In my following paragrahp I said:
Now which part of that made you say U assume base on released data and u come to the conclusion Type 730 isn't good? ???? Did you just read the first line?
Is this what u say below? The system is not good but better than the suck Goalkeeper! Since type 730 is no good but is better than a system who is compare to a no good system. So goal keeper must be sucked.. Which is the conclusion i come to..
Anyway I'm saying the system isen't good, It may well be even better than Goalkeeper
5.8 mm rifle rounds have nothing to do with the CIWS systems (as itself is only loosely related to the actual subject, 054A frigate). So people, quit throwing lame excuses everytime your pride is know that not all made in China in the past couple years is heavenly superior to everything else made in the face of the earht...But neither it's automaticly inferior to western systems. Thats why I urge you to look every case as it own and not make false assumptions. And have some freaking objectivity!!!!
As u already mention,actual data cannot be obtain of the Type 730.
Therefore i used the case of 5.8mm rds as the PLA did not release the very actual performance of it. A independant study and report of the 5.8mm rds was conducted by some user who actually use it and test it and there come to the conclusion that what is circulating around the net abt the superiority of 5.8mm rds was proven. Of cos ,obtaining 5.8mm rds were more easier than trying to get the actual type 730 CIWS and tested it. Since i don think any outsider can easily access the Chinese CIWS like the 5.8mm rds. It is impossible to prove its stated performance of the article r bullshit. People has a conception all Chinese article is bullshitting and PRC military is always in the 70's and 80s which is getting proven wrong again and again. I will say there is still many fake article as but lesser as every yrs goes by as PRC gets stronger! :china:
So this article may prove to be correct for what it states!
I remember u mocking abt tphuang as he talked abt the CIWS type 730 installed on 054A frigate with a green canvas covered on it. Tphuang can almost comfirm it but u laugh at him challenging him how can he comfirmed it by just looking at the green rd canvas covered on it! We all have seen a mock up of 054A,plus tphuang also provided the photo of the mock-up and why can't it be proven?
In the end,the thing with the green canvas was proven to be a Type 730 CIWS!
It must have hurt those Chinese hater who we once again prove them wrong that we got the correct spec...
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