Just an opinion -- I think PLAN's first attempt at a modern ASW platform is the 052 Destroyer. It's roughly in the same size and capability as the French F70 ASW Frigate. They share the same hull-mounted sonar, towed sonar, and the Z-9C is licensed French AS 365N Dauphin II.
The French didn't have ASROC type ASW weapon on thier F67 or F70 frigates. To this day they still don't, since they backed out of the MILAS project with Italy. And since France didn't have ASROC type system, there wasn't one for the PLAN to import.
The lack of a "mature" ASROC type weapon that the PLAN could import, license produce or copy, prolly contributed to the failure (?) of the CY-1. The only other system avail at the time (1980s) for export was prolly the Australian Ikara, but that one contains US-made components, so it'd have been problematic to secure an export license.
At this time, we haven't seen any pictures or promotions for the CY-2. I have some doubts that it'd be ready and equipped on the 054A right now. And even if it is ready, I don't think it'd be a VLS version, or use the same VLS box launcher as the SAMs.
The reason for my opinion on the CY-2 is because, I don't think the PLAN's technology level has advanced to common-use VLS system yet. So the different missile-based systems would use different launch platforms.
At ths time, I think it'd make more sense for the PLAN to develop the CY-2 with a box-launcher, so it can be fitted easily on existing ships. A VLS system would work if the new ship (054A?) was built for it, but for fitting to existing ships, it'd require major structural modifications. The next-generation system (CY-3 or CY-2 VLS?), however, would most likely be VLS system.