F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

... In operational use, F-35 would be limited to significantly less A/B thrust, and max output would be reserved for emergency situations with mandatory inspections of engine after that .

I'm a complete amateur :) so I've got an impression some time ago (now I located that source:


) that F-35s will fight in a very sly way :) which I think is a good thing ... but somebody here (maybe you, Thud :) sorry if not) claimed they would need to be covered by F-22s (?)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Who knows the F135 could be develop further for the next twin engine 6th generation stealth fighter some day. And we all know Boeing is working on the concept design as of now.

Yes...I want one.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I'll say it again. All of the following nations are committed to purchasing the F-35 JSF:

The US *
The UK *
Italy *
The Netherlands *
Australia *
Norway *
Israel *
South Korea

The asterics indicate nations that have already placed firm orders and gotten into the production queue (lots I-VI are either already built or firmly scheduled). The others have invested in the program and made firm commitments to future orders.

Some are buying less than they originally contemplated...for now...others are increasing their orders.

That list is going to grow and probably include nations like Singapore, Canada, Belgium, Finland, Greece, and other nations. We will have to wait and see. I am sure Singapore and Canada will purchase some...the numbers are still fluid.

I expect the US will ultimately have between 2,500 and 3,000 of these aircraft. I expect allied nations will ultimately buy on the order of 1,500 or even more.

To think, and to continue to believe that all of these purchases and major national commitments are simply because of political pressure is simply becoming less and less credible or believable. Yes they are interested in remaining close to the US...and there are good reasons for that.

Yes, they want to leverage the weapons and sensors that the US can bring to the table and all of the research that went into it. Those are certainly components of these decisions as well they should be.

But they are also not betting the security of their nations on a lark either. They see a platform that will be significantly technologically advanced, will have sensors and avionic that are equally advanced with a sensor fusion unequaled in he world, and an aircraft with the weapons and the flight envelope that will allow them to perform their function second to none.

No...there is no real 5th generation alternative. But there are quite a few 4.5 gen aircraft that are very good to choose from. The Typhoon, the Rafael, the new Gripen JAS 39NG, the F-15 Silent Eagle, the new F/A-18 Advanced Hornet, etc. Any of those would make decent platforms, and would allow these nations to either invest in something of their own (which is exactly what the French are doing), or have ties to strong allies, and at a reduced cost.

But they are choosing the F-35...and for all the reasons I listed. I believe in the end, it will prove to be a very wise choice.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

With the numbers of production F-35s that are now out in active air wings, a number of pictures are now available showing multiple F-35s in flight and on the tarmac.

To whit:









I currently have 68 high-res photos on
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Senior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I'm a complete amateur :) so I've got an impression some time ago that F-35s will fight in a very sly way :) which I think is a good thing ... but somebody here (maybe you, Thud :) sorry if not) claimed they would need to be covered by F-22s (?)

Original concept of ATF & JSF envisioned ATF achieving air supremacy/superiority and JSF penetrating air defense, destroying vital infrastructure, knocking out SAMs etc and after that upgraded legacy fighters and attack aircraft would perform usual ground strike sorties .

JSF was supposed to be able to go without escort against less capable opponents but it was not designed to go against latest models of Flanker - it was ATF job to clear them out . But in current situation it is quite possible to see some regional war (with or without US involvement) with F-35s facing Su-30MK2 or even something better (Su-35, Super Su-30 etc ) . We could say that this is a "fault" of Russians, because Soviets never really planned to export large quantities of Flankers, and original ATF/JSF reflect that . But plans should have been updated and altered to correspond to changing reality . In this case, planes like F-15SE and Super Hornet should have been as an alternative and supplement to F-35.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Original concept of ATF & JSF envisioned ATF achieving air supremacy/superiority and JSF penetrating air defense, destroying vital infrastructure, knocking out SAMs etc and after that upgraded legacy fighters and attack aircraft would perform usual ground strike sorties .

JSF was supposed to be able to go without escort against less capable opponents but it was not designed to go against latest models of Flanker - it was ATF job to clear them out . But in current situation it is quite possible to see some regional war (with or without US involvement) with F-35s facing Su-30MK2 or even something better (Su-35, Super Su-30 etc ) . We could say that this is a "fault" of Russians, because Soviets never really planned to export large quantities of Flankers, and original ATF/JSF reflect that . But plans should have been updated and altered to correspond to changing reality . In this case, planes like F-15SE and Super Hornet should have been as an alternative and supplement to F-35.

NYET! Chief ThunderCloud, what are you talking about, you accurately described he initial job discriptions of ATF and JSF, but fighter philosophy has changed,,,,, yes the ThunderChief was a beautiful piece of metal, but it wasn't even suitable for a demo bird with the Thunderbirds, a part of a season, and it was history, and back to the lovely little Hun... Your avatar is the original non-starter fighter aircraft dedicated to being a JSF and no more. The JSF has been upgraded to Air to Air according to the NEW DEAL of BVR engagements, it will find and kill the Su-35, PAK-FA, J-20, J-15 and J-16, probably even the J-31, and the Mig-29K and especially the Mig-31.... There are plenty of Raptors in case of real trouble, but the F-35 is still right behind the Raptor, and a proven winner, the USAF and other users pilots are very happy to be driving the ThunderHogge II< even though she is a "husky chick" she is still very, very, "slik", failure indeed! HARUMMPF! yes, and today I once again was hands on with two of the possible four civilian Mig 29s in the states, so I do love those birds, and the Flanker more so, but the JSF is going to be like the "Shadow", I know you remember the "Shadow Knows", well the ThunderHOGGE II "knows",,,,,, the brat says so! yes, and I am wagging my right index finger at you as I type this,,,,,,I think its time you "upgraded that antique software between your ears bruda"!


Junior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I do think, however, that the delay in the JSF programme had costed it dear, in terms of the technological gap and the level of dominance the planners had originally envisioned. The F-35 was supposed to have been in service in the USAF a couple of years ago, and there are supposed to be enough numbers already for them to be filling the airforces of the allied states now.

With its current progress, it may be optimistic to expect that countries like UK (the first ones in the queue) will be getting a full squadron of the F-35 by 2018. By the time they form a real back-bone in the allied countries (i.e. finally replacing the F16s and similar), which may go well into the 20s or even later. In the main time, they will have to reply on ageing legacy systems for quite a few years yet, if not for another decade, with many of the planes already reaching the end of their service life. We can expect diminished force projection capabilities of the allied states of the US as well as more reports of air crashes and malfunctions in the interim years.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I do think, however, that the delay in the JSF programme had costed it dear, in terms of the technological gap and the level of dominance the planners had originally envisioned. The F-35 was supposed to have been in service in the USAF a couple of years ago, and there are supposed to be enough numbers already for them to be filling the airforces of the allied states now.

With its current progress, it may be optimistic to expect that countries like UK (the first ones in the queue) will be getting a full squadron of the F-35 by 2018. By the time they form a real back-bone in the allied countries (i.e. finally replacing the F16s and similar), which may go well into the 20s or even later. In the main time, they will have to reply on ageing legacy systems for quite a few years yet, if not for another decade, with many of the planes already reaching the end of their service life. We can expect diminished force projection capabilities of the allied states of the US as well as more reports of air crashes and malfunctions in the interim years.

maybe a little more pessimistic than the real world view, the F35 is a very capable airplane already and grows more so with each passing day, while there have been pitfalls along the way, the F-35 crew is on top of concerns and continue to mature this airplane rapidly in LRIP.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

With actually several news for USAF and USN 6th generation fighters maybe USN have idea ? don' t buy more 260 C as planned yet this service is less hurry get soon new 550 Super Hornet no stealth, range a little short but do the job, good payload, AESA radar and want $65.3 million flyaway cost only (
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) * in more 135 Growlers help !
And USN don' t have a good feeling for F-35C in more historicaly like get his own plane remenber F-14 and F-111B...

*Seems about 200 F-22 have cost same price as 563 Super Hornet !

Different problem for USAF, like expensive aircrafts in more ;-) it is well known and want 6th generation fighter for replace F-22 maybe F-15E ?

All services it is usually USMC ( administratively attached to the Navy ) which is the most thrifty except for F-35 or EFV...

6th generation fighters mainly difference again more stealth because no vertical fins, possible a unmanned variant, ofc again a better radar and vectored thrust on 2 axes ? as some Sukhoi, F-22 one.
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