F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread


Senior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

NYET! Chief ThunderCloud, what are you talking about, you accurately described he initial job discriptions of ATF and JSF, but fighter philosophy has changed,,,,, yes the ThunderChief was a beautiful piece of metal, but it wasn't even suitable for a demo bird with the Thunderbirds, a part of a season, and it was history, and back to the lovely little Hun... Your avatar is the original non-starter fighter aircraft dedicated to being a JSF and no more. The JSF has been upgraded to Air to Air according to the NEW DEAL of BVR engagements, it will find and kill the Su-35, PAK-FA, J-20, J-15 and J-16, probably even the J-31, and the Mig-29K and especially the Mig-31.... There are plenty of Raptors in case of real trouble, but the F-35 is still right behind the Raptor, and a proven winner, the USAF and other users pilots are very happy to be driving the ThunderHogge II< even though she is a "husky chick" she is still very, very, "slik", failure indeed! HARUMMPF! yes, and today I once again was hands on with two of the possible four civilian Mig 29s in the states, so I do love those birds, and the Flanker more so, but the JSF is going to be like the "Shadow", I know you remember the "Shadow Knows", well the ThunderHOGGE II "knows",,,,,, the brat says so! yes, and I am wagging my right index finger at you as I type this,,,,,,I think its time you "upgraded that antique software between your ears bruda"!

In a sense, what happened to F-105 could repeat itself with F-35 . F-105 was designed as fast strike aircraft carrying one nuclear device in internal bay . For that task and that time, it was an engineering masterpiece . Unfortunately, by the time of Vietnam war, they tried to make it into something that was not designed for : heavily laden bomb truck, Wild Weasel aircraft and even fighter . As a consequence of that, it was often a prey of much less sophisticated Mig-17 , despite superior speed and avionics.

F-35 is a Joint Strike Fighter . It was designed to carry weapons load internally , to get in undetected , destroy targets and depart. Yes, it has secondary capabilities of a fighter or a classical bomber with heavy load, but these are only secondary . Way it is marketed now - one fighter to rule them all - I'm afraid it will not end well. F-35 is already late in deployment, and radar technology is advancing every year . By the year 2020-25 it may end up as a mediocre semi-stealthy platform against faster and more maneuverable opponents . We shall see.


Lieutenant General
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

In a sense, what happened to F-105 could repeat itself with F-35 . F-105 was designed as fast strike aircraft carrying one nuclear device in internal bay . For that task and that time, it was an engineering masterpiece . Unfortunately, by the time of Vietnam war, they tried to make it into something that was not designed for : heavily laden bomb truck, Wild Weasel aircraft and even fighter . As a consequence of that, it was often a prey of much less sophisticated Mig-17 , despite superior speed and avionics.

True,..BUT to be fair the F-105 was not a stealth plane to begin with therefore it was more vulnerable to any Soviet made radar either on air or on the ground. Plus air combat tactics were different back than as well as how the US pilots were taught. Yes I know stealth technology was not invented back than but if it even had say 1/4 of the stealth (just for measure for argument sake) of the F-35 it wouldn't be so vulnerable to the Mig-17.:confused:


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread


80, organisation planned 4 frontline sqn with each 10 ( as USN ) one common OCU with USN 10 also and the rest in reserve/stock.

Yet USMC provided for CAW 4 sqn of 12 F/A-18 A+ or C.
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

... F-35 is already late in deployment, and radar technology is advancing every year . By the year 2020-25 it may end up as a mediocre semi-stealthy platform against faster and more maneuverable opponents . We shall see.

Thud, you're worried about radars being developed now, but I wonder what the role of F-35 will be at the end of its service life (which by several sources is said to be 50+ years like in
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as I'll turn 43 next month, 50+ ... I might not be around here LOL!

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

maybe a little more pessimistic than the real world view, the F35 is a very capable airplane already and grows more so with each passing day, while there have been pitfalls along the way, the F-35 crew is on top of concerns and continue to mature this airplane rapidly in LRIP.
Most people are not only not aware of the types of sensor fusion that is interinsically built into the F-35, much less what it will mean for the aircraft in terms of its combat capabilities.

They tend to look at the kinematic specifications and then compare those apples to apples against othe raircraft and see that from that purely from that perspective the other aircraft measure up.

This is a huge mistake. Given the multiple sources that the F-35 will be able to integrate from an information standpoint, and the ability to cooperativelyy engage and base its own weapons targeting on those sources, , and given the relative superiority of western sensor technology...the F-35 is going to be a very lethal threat to any existing 4, 4.5, and even the initial 5th generation offerings from potential OPFORs.

This vision, which is going to turn traditional air to air combat on its ear, is what these other nations are buying into along with the US.

Now...does everyone need that? Can everyone afford it?

Those are good questions and are also why I say that for several nations, very decent aircraft like the Silent Eagle, the Advanced Hornet, the Rafael, Typhhon, Gripen, etc. would all make very good alternatives.

But not because the F-35 is going to be some kind of lemon or is going to fail. Quite to the contrary, long after you and I have departed this earth-life, Brat, it will be considered the most successful all-around multi-role western fighter of its generation. Like the F-16 has been to date.

Hey, even today, with the F-16C/D loaded up with the lastest navigation pods, targeting pods, and ECM pods, along with the latest AMRAAMs, AIM-9X+, and precision munitions, the F-16 to this day is no slouch whatsoever.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

F-35C the more nice with many weapons. Wanna see this boy soon on the Nimitz :)
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Roger that Foxtrot, we're workin on it,,,,, and amen to seeing the C bird, at Sea, I am not sure why, but I like the big wang C model, just looks more Raptory/Fightery with all that wing and tail, so for the F-35D I am taking the A and putting the C wing and tail on it, whooopie dooopie! That would also allow more fuel for the D, and a greater external weapon load, loose all that carrier "stuff, and keep the As "GUN", BANG! BANG!

oh and whats the stripping on the "stabilator", fix for "HOT TAIL?"


Senior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

True,..BUT to be fair the F-105 was not a stealth plane to begin with therefore it was more vulnerable to any Soviet made radar either on air or on the ground. Plus air combat tactics were different back than as well as how the US pilots were taught. Yes I know stealth technology was not invented back than but if it even had say 1/4 of the stealth (just for measure for argument sake) of the F-35 it wouldn't be so vulnerable to the Mig-17.:confused:

Actually, F-105 was designed to avoid radar by flying low. That was the stealth of that time, because at that period (50's) radars could not cope with ground clutter like they could today. When carrying single nuclear bomb in internal bay it could even go supersonic at sea level (with A/B on ) and perform toss bombing .

Similarity with F-35 begins with Soviets improving their radar technology in 60's , just about the time Vietnam war started . Also, Hogs in Vietnam performed conventional strikes using bombs attached to wing's pylons (up to 16 ) which reduced speed and made them somewhat easier to detect . Also, at the beginning of war there were not enough F-4s to go around and escort every F-105 sortie (similar situation with F-22 today) , and F-100's were even more vulnerable to North Vietnam's air defense and fighters then F-105 (like F-15 or F-16 today compared to F-35)


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

In an attack on the Liaoning the F-35 could carry joint strike missiles developed in Norway, which have a range of 290 kilometers. The J-15, on the other hand, could carry two YJ-83 anti-missiles with a range of only 180 km.

180 or 290 km does not matter much against a CV.
US CVN with CAP and AEW units protect to a range about 400/500 km, E-2 patrol to 200/300 km and after F-18 in CAP i presume, inferior range for J-15/Ka-31 couple.

Before with F-14 carried AIM-54 with a range of 185 km CAP and AEW units was on 500 km same range as AS-4/6 carry by Tu-16/22M US CV was protected except ofc eventually EW support aircraft etc...

But with 290 km your beyond the reach of a TF without CV and also to 180 ...

And we have see YJ-83 on J-15 but maybe carry YJ-91 or KH-31A as all Flankers...
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