F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Somebody know her rate of climb?

Difficult question to answer accurately, I doubt this bird has been left in re-heat with all the flight restrictions, and it is not an interceptor per-se, so I would imagine it is roughly equivalent to an F-16, which is no slouch in the climb department... I have not heard the fix of the melted tail feathers formally addressed, so with all the flight restrictions on the F135, and the tailfeather issue?

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

The Super Hornet would be a good choice, no doubt, particularly with the upgrade potential to the Advanced Hornet.



But it is still not going to be the aircraft that the F-35 will become.

This current decision regarding existing CF-18s is prudent. The CF-18s are going into combat again, and acquiring F-35s is still some years out in any case.

In the end, Canada and all nations have to mind their dollars and cents and get the best that they can for their money. Each nation will decide. Right now, numerous nations are deciding for the F-35. So far, the following nations will purchase the F-35.

The US
The UK
The Netherlands
South Korea

All of these nations and their military professionals and planners clearly know what they are doing...and they are choosing the F-35. As I have said before, it will be this generation's F-16 for western nations multi-role attack/fighter aircraft. When all is said and done, thousands will be built and made operational for these nations.

Belgium, Singapore, Canada and others are also currently seriously considering them. I expect the number of nations using the aircraft will grow over the next 10-15 years.

The Super Hornet is a great airplane, but I do not like the overwing conformal fuel tanks, in fact I don't like over wing tanks or engines at all, I like LOTS of structure separating me and my gas, why they make FIRE walls, especially if I had to belly it it, or take some battle damage?????
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

the root cause:
“Prolonged rubbing into the material in the stator,” the JPO said in a statement. That “decomposed and superheated the titanium rotor, leading to excessive heating which started very small cracks in a titanium seal and then led to failure of the 3rd stage fan rotor.”
according to
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

the root cause:

according to
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Yes, in spite of what you hear on the inter-webs, both Pratt and Whitney, and LockMart are old, very reputable companies, they are still around because they deliver, in the case of the F-22, they delivered an "alien bird", with other worldly capabilities unknown to mortals who do not dwell on the Sino Defense Forum..... only here are her roots to the 1947 Roswell ship revealed by the Air Force Brat, but keep that under your hat!!! ssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!! Designed, Built, and Test Flown by aliens, only true supermen are able to exploit her true capabilities, even then, a few good men have perished???? RIP gentlemen! The Brat has not forgotten your sacrifice........


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Difficult question to answer accurately, I doubt this bird has been left in re-heat with all the flight restrictions, and it is not an interceptor per-se, so I would imagine it is roughly equivalent to an F-16, which is no slouch in the climb department... I have not heard the fix of the melted tail feathers formally addressed, so with all the flight restrictions on the F135, and the tailfeather issue?

F-16 254 m/s
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F-15 no clear 254 or more but up to ? F-18 seems 254, Super Hornet 230 difficult for US fighters :confused:

For comparison betwenn actual fighters, 4/5th generation i see between 200/330 among the best 330 : Su-35, Mig-29/35, J-15, 315+ Typhoon, 300 Su-27/30/J-11, Rafale, 285 Mir 2000, Su-33 245 the worst student Mig-31 logic... powerful turbo but 46 T !

No number for J-10, JF-17, JAS-39, F-22/35, T-50, F-2, Tejas.

I excluded fighter bomber as Su-24, JH-7, Tornado IDS different.


Senior Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

All of these nations and their military professionals and planners clearly know what they are doing...and they are choosing the F-35.

I would respectfully disagree with that . Decision witch plane to buy is primarily political one . In case of Canada , for all practical purposes they are restricted to American aircraft , and Canadian airforce is more or less extension of USAF .Therefore Canada will always go along with US plans in this matter .

And sadly, what we have in US is deliberate and concentrated effort to remove any competition for F-35 . First we had closing down of F-22 production lines in 2009 . Then sabotage of Silent Eagle , with backroom deals and pressure on South Korea and Japan . Finally, looks like Super Hornet is going to get axed, with no more US or foreign orders they too would have to close production lines (decision to be made next year) .

If Canada had ordered Super Hornets, even as little as 20, that would kept Super Hornet option open for US . Some saner heads would have a chance to reconsider enormous cost and unfulfilled promises of F-35 program . And F-35 lobbyists could not allow that - I bet that Canadians got gentle nudge in right direction ;) , so it looks like by the beginning of 2016 F-35 will be one and only option on the table, for better or worse.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I would respectfully disagree with that . Decision witch plane to buy is primarily political one . In case of Canada , for all practical purposes they are restricted to American aircraft , and Canadian airforce is more or less extension of USAF .Therefore Canada will always go along with US plans in this matter .
Canada is not finished with its decision process yet. They may or may not add super hornets to their mix.

They will definitley, IMHO, order some F-35s. We will see how many that is.

Of course Canada is sitting in the military shadow of the US. They are also a very close US ally. it is completely understandable that they would take advantage of those two things to help outfit their military.

And sadly, what we have in US is deliberate and concentrated effort to remove any competition for F-35 . First we had closing down of F-22 production lines in 2009 . Then sabotage of Silent Eagle , with backroom deals and pressure on South Korea and Japan . Finally, looks like Super Hornet is going to get axed, with no more US or foreign orders they too would have to close production lines (decision to be made next year) .
Of course the US, both its manufacturers and the government will seek to maximize the reach of their products. To expect anything but that would be completely unrealistic.

Howerver, nations get to choose. While Canada is right next door and a close ally, the same cannot be said for all nations.

Yes the UK and Japan for exmample of very close allies to the US...but the UK is also operating the Typhoon, and they developed the Harrier which the US uses to this day. To say or imply that these nations are simply being led around like a cow witrh a ring in their nose is simply not so. They will do what they feel is best for their national interests, and of course that includes both military and political components.

Japan is seriously looking at their ATD-X program. it is a long shot, but with the decision to move into the military export market, it does have an outside chance if other nations express interest.

If Canada had ordered Super Hornets, even as little as 20, that would kept Super Hornet option open for US .
I agree...and that will be Canada's decision. other nations can also look at that option. As I said...it is a very decent option, particularly with the Advanced Super Hornet development.

Some saner heads would have a chance to reconsider enormous cost and unfulfilled promises of F-35 program . And F-35 lobbyists could not allow that - I bet that Canadians got gentle nudge in right direction ;) , so it looks like by the beginning of 2016 F-35 will be one and only option on the table, for better or worse.
I believe you underestimate the F-35. Many people only want to try and naysay and downplay the program.

But whenever you bring to the table the types of technological advancements that the F-35 is bringing...you are going to have issues. In addition, while I know that the decision to make three airplaens out of a single design (as much as they could anyway) required compromises...the fact that they are going to do it, and end up (at least IMHO) with a 5th generation stealth aircraft that will be the basis for the US Air Force, the US Navy, and the US Marines...is something that will prove out extremely beneficial over the daces to come. This is despite the fact that the decision to go that route also costs money in the R&D, invariably introduces issues (as we have seen), and invites opposition upfront.

10-15 years form now, the F-35 is going to be considered a VERY successful program, and will have produced VERY capable aircraft for many nations.

Planners an military personnel in command positions see this...and believe it. The decisions are not entirely political as you emply...they are also based on what that future holds for these nations militailyTime will tell.


Lieutenant General
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

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can somebody confirm thiis?

(I could've posted in the thread 'ROK Military News' but I guess more people looks here)

Well if the F-35 are going on a stealth mission of course it will carry less ordnance since that all of it are inside the bay compartment. If not, than it can carry more on the outside under the wings like a regular fighter.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Well if the F-35 are going on a stealth mission of course it will carry less ordnance since that all of it are inside the bay compartment. If not, than it can carry more on the outside under the wings like a regular fighter.
Exactly right my friend.

The F-35, in addition to its two large weapons bays (each of which is like two weapons stations), has three additional weapon store positions under each wing that can allow it to be loaded up if it is not on a "stealth" mission.

For example here are a few pictures:





See a LOT more F-35 pictures, including some high res High AOA, Intentiaonal Departure pictures at:

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The South Koreans have ample ordinance...both US ordinance, and their own. I have no doubts that they will work with Lockheed to ensure that their relevant indegenous PGMs and missiles will integrate. But in addition, they already use a lot of US ordinance on their aircraft.

The F-35 will be able to be loaded up and outfitted with whatever the South Koreans desire to get integrated.
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