F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I have been reading about the F35B recently and to be honest not impressed.
Why not? As a VTOL and STOVL aircraft it is unequaled. It is not the "C" model, nor was it meant to be. It was specifically designed to replace the AV-8B Harriers in US Marine service (or to provide a similar capability to allied nations).

In that roile, as I say, it is unequaled.

5th generation stealth. Supersonic VTOL/STOVL aircraft. Unparalled situational awareness and sesnor fusion which provides for local AWACS capabilities. Large weapons loadouts, either internally for steatlh missions, or externally for more traditional misisons. Air to air refueling capability. Very decent manueverability with very good high angle of attack, and intentional control departure capabilities, not to mention its off-bore attack capbailities.

The F-35B is going to be better at all of those things than the Harrier. And the Harrier was the only fixed wing, carrier-borne naval air arm the UK utilized for decades.

I have the feeling that QE Class are just large amphibious assault ships yes there's lots and lots of space but really it's so big that not having cats and traps is a tragedy

F35B is a good aircrat but it just doesn't have th legs, speeds and range of a F35C
No, it does not., but, as I say, it is not the "C" and was not meant to be.

Really, Asif, your displeasure and anger is not with the F-35Bs. Your real issue, and I wholeheartedly agree with it, is the UK liberal administrations decision to do away with the CATOBAR carrier and choose the Jump-jet carrier configuration.

The CATOBAR would have brought the F-35C, F-18E/F, E-2D, etc., etc. Instead, the UK, in deciding to go with the Jump-jet version of the ships, limited the UK to the F-35B and helo/rotary AEW.

In that was indeed, IMHO, a tragic, shortsighted decision.

High tempo prolonged air opps from a flat tops really asks for a fully blown carrier a ski jump doesn't quite cut it

And this issue just isn't going to go away!! :confused:

But this is the decision the UK government made and has not proceeded with through the launch of the QE, and the ongoing building of the PoW.

You are right. The UK will be living with the consequences of that decision for the next 50 years.

Having said all of that, the QE class with a full airwing of F-35Bs, and with a decent rotary AEW aircraft, and its Daring, Type 26, and Astute escorts, will still be a very formidable force to reckon with for any nation. Potential adversaries will not dare take those UK carrier strike groups for granted or underestimate them.

They could have been much better...but now? Well, it is what it is.

Oh, well, as the French would say...

"C'est la vie."

...or, in German,

"So ist das Leben."

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Why not? As a VTOL and STOVL aircraft it is unequaled. It is not the "C" model, nor was it meant to be. It was specifically designed to replace the AV-8B Harriers in US Marine service (or to provide a similar capability to allied nations).

In that roile, as I say, it is unequaled.

5th generation stealth. Supersonic VTOL/STOVL aircraft. Unparalled situational awareness and sesnor fusion which provides for local AWACS capabilities. Large weapons loadouts, either internally for steatlh missions, or externally for more traditional misisons. Air to air refueling capability. Very decent manueverability with very good high angle of attack, and intentional control departure capabilities, not to mention its off-bore attack capbailities.

The F-35B is going to be better at all of those things than the Harrier. And the Harrier was the only fixed wing, carrier-borne naval air arm the UK utilized for decades.

No, it does not., but, as I say, it is not the "C" and was not meant to be.

Really, Asif, your displeasure and anger is not with the F-35Bs. Your real issue, and I wholeheartedly agree with it, is the UK liberal administrations decision to do away with the CATOBAR carrier and choose the Jump-jet carrier configuration.

The CATOBAR would have brought the F-35C, F-18E/F, E-2D, etc., etc. Instead, the UK, in deciding to go with the Jump-jet version of the ships, limited the UK to the F-35B and helo/rotary AEW.

In that was indeed, IMHO, a tragic, shortsighted decision.


But this is the decision the UK government made and has not proceeded with through the launch of the QE, and the ongoing building of the PoW.

You are right. The UK will be living with the consequences of that decision for the next 50 years.

Having said all of that, the QE class with a full airwing of F-35Bs, and with a decent rotary AEW aircraft, and its Daring, Type 26, and Astute escorts, will still be a very formidable force to reckon with for any nation. Potential adversaries will not dare take those UK carrier strike groups for granted or underestimate them.

They could have been much better...but now? Well, it is what it is.

Oh, well, as the French would say...

"C'est la vie."

...or, in German,

"So ist das Leben."

Yes, I fully concur with all your observations, my real problem with the F-35, is that all logic and reason were abandoned with the cancellation of the F-22, in order to put all the eggs into the F-35 basket.... it really came down to politics, from the shutting down of any possibility to export the F-22, to the politics of the Joint Chiefs, where the F-22 had NO patron saint, Mr Gates, Cheney and Rummy, and the plug finally pulled by Mr. Obama.... My concern is that the production of the F-35 has left us at a tactical disadvantage by pulling the plug on an airplane that has NO peer, and putting into production an airplane that has lots of peers. This has left us in the un-enviable position of committing ourselves to an aircraft, that is going to have to rely heavily on technology, and L/O, with no real fallback on the option to "disengage" and reposition,,,, if we had 500 Raptors, it would change the dynamic completely, but we are at a very basic "subsistence" level on available F-22s, which will create a monstrous logistics nightmare as we struggle to keep the F-22 "in the game".

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Yes, I fully concur with all your observations, my real problem with the F-35, is that all logic and reason were abandoned with the cancellation of the F-22, in order to put all the eggs into the F-35 basket.... it really came down to politics, from the shutting down of any possibility to export the F-22, to the politics of the Joint Chiefs, where the F-22 had NO patron saint, Mr Gates, Cheney and Rummy, and the plug finally pulled by Mr. Obama....
I agree completely that the US should have twice as many (and more) F-22s.

But this thread is really about the F-35 and its capabilities.

I do not believe that the F-35, once its sensor fusion and situational awareness is fully exploited/coupled with its 5th gen stelth, good manueverability, and weapons, is gpoing to have many peers at all.

Sure, if it has to go nose to tail with some of the really good 4+ gen and now J-20 and PAKFA type aircraft, it will have a real fight on its hands...but it is not really designed to have to do that.

The US would be better off...far better off...with enough F-22s to fly cap and air superiority missions with the F-35s.

But the US needed to buy upwards of 3,000 F-35s to replace the F-16s, the AV-8Bs, the Marine F-18s, etc anyway.

The culprit is not buying as many F-35s as we are, the culprit was definitely very preamturely stopping F-22 production. But that question and issue is best suited for the F-22 thread.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Wasting money and waiting for Godot ;) Super Hornet is a way to go for Canada :p

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The Super Hornet would be a good choice, no doubt, particularly with the upgrade potential to the Advanced Hornet.



But it is still not going to be the aircraft that the F-35 will become.

This current decision regarding existing CF-18s is prudent. The CF-18s are going into combat again, and acquiring F-35s is still some years out in any case.

In the end, Canada and all nations have to mind their dollars and cents and get the best that they can for their money. Each nation will decide. Right now, numerous nations are deciding for the F-35. So far, the following nations will purchase the F-35.

The US
The UK
The Netherlands
South Korea

All of these nations and their military professionals and planners clearly know what they are doing...and they are choosing the F-35. As I have said before, it will be this generation's F-16 for western nations multi-role attack/fighter aircraft. When all is said and done, thousands will be built and made operational for these nations.

Belgium, Singapore, Canada and others are also currently seriously considering them. I expect the number of nations using the aircraft will grow over the next 10-15 years.