re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread
I actually totally agree with export ban for F-22. On the issue of F-22 and F-35, USAF would be a lot happier if actually got all the F-22 + it's own F-16 replacement instead of having a more costly common design with navy and marine. But marines wanted a 5th generational STOVL aircraft and now the entire program is more expensive.
No, you're fine, I've been accused of being a naysayer on our sister forum initially, (MY REAL PISSY BEEF with the F-35, is that it KILLED the LOVELY AND FAR MORE EFFECTIVE, on any level F-22, as the result of some dumb, (well lets just say stupid), dem congressmans ban on its sale abroad, because their was "NO MO PORK", on the Raptor, it wasn't going to pad anyones pockets???? The F-35 was our partners best choice airplane, so we got the ThunderHogge II, the Raptor got "Shanghaied". So no, its open to fair criticism, it does have some issues and has had, they will be worked around, and it will be a very successful front line fighter, and it is already a game changer!
I actually totally agree with export ban for F-22. On the issue of F-22 and F-35, USAF would be a lot happier if actually got all the F-22 + it's own F-16 replacement instead of having a more costly common design with navy and marine. But marines wanted a 5th generational STOVL aircraft and now the entire program is more expensive.