F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

F135 is rated as most powerful fighter engine in the world . It needs to be that way in order to give decent T/W ratio to F-35 with single engine configuration . To achieve such high trust engine blades of F135 must endure enormous temperatures, like no other engine anywhere else (one exception could be Russian 117 engine which btw also exploded recently :D ) . Therefore, those engine blades are made with current top of material science knowledge and technology, and sometimes even wander into unknown .

What could happen in current situation is administrative decision not to use F135 in full afterburner mode (effectively derating engine ) until all problems are resolved. That would slow down the testing, but it would allow flights to proceed avoiding complete grounding of entire fleet for prolonged time .

This has nothing to do with power or temperature let's not draw personal conclusions

The issues the F135 has is blade and fan related which is due to fatigue, vibrations, forces and tensions never by high temperatures, what you think P&W deigned a engine and forgot to take into account the heat management?

There has been four groundings in the last two years all engine related

First was hydraulic fuel line
Second was 3rd stage blade crack
Third was oil leak
Fourth and most recent one 4th July was again 3rd stage turbine


Junior Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I saw over TV that the US-F35 Fighter is given the green light to fly. They have apparently solved the engine problem. Prophets of gloom" need not speculate further. It's still a good aircraft for combat.


Lieutenant General
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Oh KRAP! talk about wuss, don't bank to fast, you might turn upside down and fall out, but at least they lifted the grounding, theres only so much I can do with all these creatures of the BHO crowd, they are not cut from the same cloth as the old man!

Not a big fan of the Democrat Party aren't you Brat?:p

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Not a big fan of the Democrat Party aren't you Brat?:p

Equation, its not the Democrat party bro, its the people who are at war with the innocent unborn, not politics, in fact several years ago I voted for Glenn Poshard a Democrat, who lost to his Republican challenger who is now in prison. It does seem like the US military has been an innocent victim here as well, my own son in law, who earned his degree while in the US ARMY, go ARMY, was accepted into Helicopter Flight School, passed all the tests with flying colors, working happily toward his flight school, he was later told SORRY?? so the Army is going to lose a good soldier, sad for them, sad for my boy not getting to fly rotary wing military aircraft, and no he's not obnoxious like the brat, he always shouted Ooo raahh! Little things like that, and Benghazi, just stick in my craw. Putting the dagger in the back of the sweet little F-22, she was a good soldier too.....

but having said that, I love my country, I love my government, I even love my BHO, just wish he could get back to some core values, I'm praying for him, and for our country, guess I better pray harder.... I am also thankful for my little ThunderHogge II, it will be a fine airplane, and while I hate the F-22 losing out to an aircraft that will never come close to the Raptor in A2A, I am still glad to have an airplane that should have some amazing capabilities. The F-35 offers lots of promise, and these engine ordeals are unfortunate, but they are to be expected with a very high performance aircraft engine that most definitely is running at the top of the green, in case of the "firebird" a little past that, LOL. Hang in there brother, I'm sure your F-35 will be a good one, when are you going to invite us down to TEXAS, maybe we could all visit LockMart???? Cheers bruda

and thanks for being here, we do appreciate you as well, and I know we all appreciate those likes, nice to know someone is paying attention
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Oh KRAP! talk about wuss, don't bank to fast, you might turn upside down and fall out, but at least they lifted the grounding, theres only so much I can do with all these creatures of the BHO crowd, they are not cut from the same cloth as the old man!

AFB, I think it would've been worse if the route to Farnborough had been "... relatively close to the US and Canadian coast, up past Greenland before heading to Europe, rather than a direct flight across the Atlantic ..." as described in
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Senior Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

This has nothing to do with power or temperature let's not draw personal conclusions

The issues the F135 has is blade and fan related which is due to fatigue, vibrations, forces and tensions never by high temperatures, what you think P&W deigned a engine and forgot to take into account the heat management?

Yes, it has everything to do with high temperature . Materials resistant to high temperature are by nature of things more brittle and more susceptible to wear and tear . One of the main problems when designing aircraft engines is to find materials that retain elasticity at higher temperatures .

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Junior Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread


It's my understanding that the extremely small tolerances between the fan and the cowling are the problem. Granted that obviously generated enough heat to cause a fire, but the large amount of heat created by the engine itself is not the root cause.


Senior Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread


It's my understanding that the extremely small tolerances between the fan and the cowling are the problem. Granted that obviously generated enough heat to cause a fire, but the large amount of heat created by the engine itself is not the root cause.

There is a thing called thermal creep. Basically it is a deformation of solid material under the influence of temperature and time and F-35 already had problems with that (1st link below) . In order to minimize effects of it, you need more brittle materials but of course they have their own flaws . 2nd link is about properties of some of the alloys used in modern turbine blades, and you could see that they try to balance various , often opposing demands, to create better engine.

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re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread


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thanks, Thud, now I see ... concerns Multiobjective Optimization, "when you have several solutions and need to pick one" (I've been involved in this, even worked on a code to get the Pareto Front for some problem(s) -- not of a jet-fighter though LOL) ... what I want to say here is that I don't envy the designers involved, I mean those responsible for the final recommendation/choice (out of a number of "good" options)
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread


What could happen in current situation is administrative decision not to use F135 in full afterburner mode (effectively derating engine ) until all problems are resolved. ...

and now, thanks to Thud, I have a chance to understand what's been officially called "a restricted flight envelope" (I read it somewhere and thought what like envelope are they talking about :)