re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread
Do you think this has to do with Lockheed Martin letting go a number of their experienced engineers and expertise, especially the older guys that had decades of experiences under their belts?
Yes, and USAF and Navy, pushing out senior brass who have ethical/philosophical issues with the PC nonsense that drives BHO administration policy. On Life, Marriage, etc, etc,, they are more concerned with destroying the old guard, and remolding the culture in their gender neutral image, that will guarantee a level of mediocrity/incompetence that could only be overlooked by our social engineering overlords.... so yes the social engineering crowd is incompetent to tackle the hard details of defense, because companies are so "manipulated" by the overlords of social engineering, that the prize is overlooked
This great nation was built on ideals, and the freedom to execute those ideals without government oversight/overlord mentality that is so pervasive in our culture today. How much talent/money do large corporations spend on manipulating/managing peoples social identity, it nearly guarantees failure in the marketplace. Just a moment ago my wife informed me that one of our two local Drs. who has had a private practice for 50+ years, will close his practice in October due to the manipulations of Obamacare, and the demands of digitized medical records, which would cost him 50,000 dollars plus. So we lose a good Dr. for more government oversight??? progress huh???? sure. End OT
In the meantime, we have an airplane that needs the expertise/commitment of those senior heads to be brought up to speed. It takes depth to manage the kind of challenges that we are presently facing, and the F-35 is in the midst of another crisis, partly because people expect it to be all things to all parties, and it has suffered from that Swiss Army Knife mentality?????????????? Just my cranky perspective, airplanes need to have a clear design objective, the A-10 and F-22 are both magnificent at what they do, it is called "focus".
Oh, and Hagel is headed to the schoolhouse today to check it out, he'll have it all moving in the right direction by sundown????