F-35 Joint Strike Fighter News, Videos and pics Thread


re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I take issue with your point 1):

1) GE is going to find and resolve this issue fairly quickly. They have very bright people, and it is an absolutely critical program for the company.
I think GE would be considered to be to big to fail so no program is absolutely critical for the company. :)

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

Do you think this has to do with Lockheed Martin letting go a number of their experienced engineers and expertise, especially the older guys that had decades of experiences under their belts?

Yes, and USAF and Navy, pushing out senior brass who have ethical/philosophical issues with the PC nonsense that drives BHO administration policy. On Life, Marriage, etc, etc,, they are more concerned with destroying the old guard, and remolding the culture in their gender neutral image, that will guarantee a level of mediocrity/incompetence that could only be overlooked by our social engineering overlords.... so yes the social engineering crowd is incompetent to tackle the hard details of defense, because companies are so "manipulated" by the overlords of social engineering, that the prize is overlooked

This great nation was built on ideals, and the freedom to execute those ideals without government oversight/overlord mentality that is so pervasive in our culture today. How much talent/money do large corporations spend on manipulating/managing peoples social identity, it nearly guarantees failure in the marketplace. Just a moment ago my wife informed me that one of our two local Drs. who has had a private practice for 50+ years, will close his practice in October due to the manipulations of Obamacare, and the demands of digitized medical records, which would cost him 50,000 dollars plus. So we lose a good Dr. for more government oversight??? progress huh???? sure. End OT

In the meantime, we have an airplane that needs the expertise/commitment of those senior heads to be brought up to speed. It takes depth to manage the kind of challenges that we are presently facing, and the F-35 is in the midst of another crisis, partly because people expect it to be all things to all parties, and it has suffered from that Swiss Army Knife mentality?????????????? Just my cranky perspective, airplanes need to have a clear design objective, the A-10 and F-22 are both magnificent at what they do, it is called "focus".

Oh, and Hagel is headed to the schoolhouse today to check it out, he'll have it all moving in the right direction by sundown????
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I take issue with your point 1):

I think GE would be considered to be to big to fail so no program is absolutely critical for the company. :)
Being too big to fail is a fallacy and a false construct. GM was viewed that way...and so now the government owns a big part of it and it is not really the old GM anymore. The old GM failed.

But, this is not going to lead to the failure of GE in any case. That does not mean it is not critical. Their investment, and the future profits deriving from the F135 are on the line. Their own prestige and name is on the line. Whether they fail or not.

As I said, the program is critical and GE will ensure that they find and fix this issue...they have the talent and the money to do so. And, IMHO, they will, despite whomever may take advantage of it to naysay their engine program or the overall F-35 program.

There will be a temporary hit...but that happens in all large programs like this at one time or another.

Time will tell.


re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I worked for GE not long after I the left Navy. I know the company pretty well. They are a large multi national with many business divisions. One of them is call GE Aviation or GE Aircraft Engines when I was there.

They are big practioners of Six Sigma and Lean manufacturing and was especially big in the aircraft division. Heck even the minimum wage guy had to know a little bit about DMAIC methodologies lol

At any rate I don't forsee the company taking a big hit in general because their other divisions are doing well and some are even bigger than GE Aviation like GE Capital, GE Energy, GE Healthcare etc. Heck they even have a division that make locomotives.
They are a very diversified company and makes everything from lightbulps to washing machines to CT scanners etc. They even own a few movie studios and not long ago owned NBC and a bunch of other networks.
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

no. GE developed the F135 based on the F119 taken from the F22. That's the engine in the F35. The F136 was Rolls Royce based on lessons learned from the F120 tested in YF23. Originally intended the F35 would have been sold and the end user could then pick there favorite engine. Then however Congress and the Defense Secretary killed the F136 program arguing it was to save $$$. Which is stupidity as time and time again history shows competition drives down prices and it likely would have kept some buyers interest as the F136 would have been a Rolls Royce engine and with options for European contacts.

I was about to ask if the other engine would work for the B variant but I guessed this was a FAQ :) I checked wikipedia and it seems to me the lift system was designed in the way either of the two engines could be used:
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

I was about to ask if the other engine would work for the B variant but I guessed this was a FAQ :) I checked wikipedia and it seems to me the lift system was designed in the way either of the two engines could be used:
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Thanks Jura, an interesting note, though I doubt in this cash starved time that the Lovely F-136 has much chance of being revived.... but it should have never been killed, more BHO administration GE favoritism.


Junior Member
re: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Thread

A little patience will go an awfully long way.

Flying the aircraft, identifying, resolving and rectifying problems are all part of the F-35's life phase at present. As I said earlier, the long view needs to be adopted with these types of programs.

The F-111 in my avatar is testament to that.
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