These 6 babies still better than most ships of SEA navies ...
These 053H1G Frigates are still doing the front line patrol duties in South China Seas, sailing as far as the southern parts of Spratly islands regularly.
Except air defence capability, and having done about 20 years service, I think these 6 ships are still very good for patrol roles. Below is the CIC of the frigate 561.
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But that's just it, with a lack in air defence capability and more often, far more sophisticated navies such as the USN plying those waters with greater frequency, I don't see the 053H1Gs being as effective for patrol in those waters anymore. If the patrols are meant to keep an eye on fishermen, the CG fleet has grown to a point where I believe those duties should belong to the CG and not the navy. The 053H1G CIC is well kept and looks efficient but comparing to the 056's CIC, there's definitely more capability given the vessels are in the same tonnage category. (I'm gonna skip the superficial comparisons such as the chairs. )
The 056 needs half the size of 053H1G's crew, which would be a great reallocation of resources. One 053H1G crew can roughly man two incoming new 056s. Granted, the 053H1Gs can be refitted again at 20 years but I don't see the fiscal sense given even the 053H2s were passed over and as far as I know, they have even more capacity than the 053H1Gs.
The later 053 frigates are still quite functional and have sufficient firepower to take on most local adversaries in the SCS and defend themselves in lower intensity situations, and with peer vessels.I do agree with what you wrote, but in real life, no country will dispose of their navy ships if they are still good to use.
053H1G will compliment each other and the available of both will increase the frequency of patrol..
I do agree with what you wrote, but in real life, no country will dispose of their navy ships if they are still good to use. The patrol in South China Sea is mainly to uphold China's claims on the islands more than anything else. PLAN ships are not going after foreign fishing boats or the likes, this is the job for Fishery dept. ships and coast guard ships. And Fishery and CCG ships do carry out regular patrol in SCS.
Even if the tension in SCS get hotter than present I do not foresee any firefights between China and her two neighbours. There may be show of force, yes.... but no body is going to fire any missiles at somebody.
056 and 053H1G will compliment each other and the available of both will increase the frequency of patrol.
053H1G may be disposed only if there is ready buyer. Currently buyers like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Algeria preferred new ships.
Actually 2 on 4 transfered to Coast Guard, remains only eight 37 mm guns.