Hi guys, it appears that you could tell me something about this:
Several publications like Jane's and AFM maintain that AFZ had a number of J-7 losses during Zimbabwes intervention in Congo's civil war (presumably on the side of Kabila jun.).
Do you know something more specific like how they were lost (shot down, accident/attrition) and what kind of operations AFZ conducted in Congo?
Best regards
Violet Oboe
There are 3 that are widely accepted as having been lost after being sent to perform a flypast a Kabila’s funeral. Articles on the net say the first one crashed because the pilot got disoriented got lost and run out of fuel. He ejected and was rescued after 5 (??) days.
After the flypast, a second one crashed on landing at Lumumbashi Airport and blocked the runway. The third tried to use half of the runway and overshot. All pilots ejected safely.
Now, out of Zimbabwe what I hear is that all planes made it safely to DRC for the flypast. The first aircraft to crash was struck by lighting … … ??? … … I don’t know if aircraft should crash after a lightening strike. The home version agrees with the other two crashing on the runway.
However from inside Zimbabwe, the story of an AFZ ejected pilot being respected after 5 days in the DRC jungles is also true – and the name given is Michael Enslin. When #711 appeared for an airshow in 2005, some articles on the airshow suggested this was a new serial number. Now Topgunchens, in his drawings says 711 is flown by Michael Enslin. This then agrees with a story of Enslin crashing and getting a new plane.
The total count might be 4 that crashed in DRC, although reports of replacements say “5 replacements” … … one might not have been necessarily lost in DRC.