New Member
Theoretically everything is possible, but some proof would be needed, like picture of PAF airplane with said missile . Btw, Derby has been delivered to India , so I doubt Israelis would play such a double game .
There was no other need for PAF to invest in Grifo-MIII & S if it wasn't for attaining an interim BVR capability. If pictures are the only form of acceptable evidence than i don't have them nor i would post even if i did because those missiles were bought secretly.
Here is however what i can post from open sources.
"It was reported in 2010 that the R-darter is being operated by the Pakistan Air Force. "
"ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Force has inducted H-4 Beyond Visual Range missile which could strike a target from a distance of 120 km without visually citing it, evading enemy radars. "
" the International Institute for Strategic Studies notes in its 2010 Military Balance publication that the Pakistan Air Force operates the “R-Darter” a beyond visual-range air-to-air missile. The Unofficial South African Air Force (SAAF) website notes under its entry for the weapon, retired from South African service in April 2008, that despite “repeated reports in the international media that the V4 [the R-Darter' SAAF name] is a version of Israel's Rafael Derby, South African engineers working on the project have told the webmaster that there was no Israeli involvement in the design of the V4, despite the striking similarities between the two!”"