PAF's F-7/PG carry the Salex Grifo-S radar and are mated with an unidentified BVRAAM of the Derby class.
PAF's F-7/PG carry the Salex Grifo-S radar and are mated with an unidentified BVRAAM of the Derby class.
Derby is not unidentified missile, but I doubt Israelis would sell that to Pakistan (but who knows, maybe I'm wrong) . French MICA is similar in size, somewhat shorter, but again I doubt that contract with Pakistan would go unnoticed . Best best would be Chinese PL-10 or PL-11, but we would need pics to determine .
But that exactly the point: so far all possible missiles (mentioned above) have not been seen with a F-7/J-7.
PS: the PL-10 is not an BVRAAM but an ASRAAM/Iris-T-like missile ! ... You maybe meant the PL-11.
I'm a bit confused with Pl-10 . It says here it semi-active radar guided missile similar to AIM-7 and has Italian roots (via Aspide SAM ) . On the other hand Selex is a Italian company , so maybe PAF got Italian radar with compatible missile for BVR engagements.
Any proof for that ??? ... so far I never heard of any BVRAAM operationally used by any J-7/F-7.
Derby is not unidentified missile, but I doubt Israelis would sell that to Pakistan (but who knows, maybe I'm wrong) . French MICA is similar in size, somewhat shorter, but again I doubt that contract with Pakistan would go unnoticed . Best best would be Chinese PL-10 or PL-11, but we would need pics to determine .
We deployed a Derby class BVRAAM on our F-7PGs as well as on Mirage-III (ROSE Upgraded) during 2001-02 standoff with India when our Sixteens didn't have BVRs. It was an interim measure when F-7 PGs were rushed from China and were deployed on forward bases for interception and air defense roles along with F-16s. PAF never issues images or videos of gear it doesn't want the indians to know it possesses. We acquired those BVRs from a friendly nation and mated them with Grifo-S and Grifo-M3 radars. After the arrival of F-16C/D Block-52+ and 500 AIM-120C5 AMRAAMs and JF-17s soon to be integrated with SD-10A, those systems have been reverted to tier 2 air defense roles into reserve air bases.
FAS is sadly so much dated ... even I seem to be Young in comparison !
Look here it's much better:
Pakistan regularly does business with Israel on when needed basis.