So, after the last mystery was successfully solved ... up to the next quest !??!
… since some time I’m playing around with the Dong Feng-104, DF-107 and DF-107A-types of fighters and since not really much is known about them I started my own „reverse-construction“ on the DF-104. The resulting side profiles made by JP “Sentinel Chicken” are maybe known since some time … and now I met a friend who helps to draw some CG’s.
What is known so far just in short:
DF-104 small single engined fighter later succeeded by the DF-107 … as far as I know all what is known on behalf of illustration is a tiny, grainy picture of a desk-top-model (even if some say this represents the DF-107)
DF-107: enlarged development of the DF-104 with two engines and especially a variable incidence wing.
DF-107A: simplified and heavily redesigned DF-107with a much simpler wing-geometry and other changes (RD-9 instead of the Red-Flag-2).
DF-113: final known project of the DF-series from Harbin which led finally to the cancellation of the DF-107/A.
My idea was, that on behalf of the only very short time of their development not much - especially as a completely new design - could have been made. I based all these "what-if's" or "guesswork-proposals" (to be honest) on the model and suggested minor and do-able changes more like an evolution by adding typical design elements.
These are the first pre-views of the DF-104, DF-107 and DF-107A (speculative) and the slightly better known DF-113.
Hope You like them ….
And please add Your suggestions for correction to improve them !
Cheers, Deino