I have to look for it. The more pictures I have been collecting the harder it is it to look for them. ...
They made an article about speculative PLAAF aircraft and among them was their visions for a Q-6, a fighter based on the Q-5 and a Spey engined fighter. At that time, the Q-5 was apparently already known but people thought it was a fighter, not attack jet. The Spey agreement was already known, China was supposed to manufacture the Spey 212 for its civilian aircraft. It was also heard that the the Egyptians traded MiG-23s and MiG-21s in exchange for J-6s.
Any success with Your search on these pictures ??? ... would be very fine if You could find them !
Anyway I just noticed this poster ... and although I thought it was an older one there are some new additions below the FC-1 !!
CAn anyone help me out ???? ... just another one of Fan-art ??? ... and whatÄ's that strange Il-76-version ???
CHeers, Deino