If India chooses to invade China, then the capital of India will be a target, not to mention the sheer stupidity of matching troops up the mount into the Himalayas is simply what the heck (when many thousands of India troops have suffered in the winter when they are posted to the border with China which the Chinese soldiers had hot pot for dinner) and also to mention if India intends to fly planes into Tibet where there is obviously missiles there to shoot them down and strike into India as well. IF India is capable to taking on China, then why did they epic fail so badly that most of them fell down the mountain in a fight they started against China in that pass and now resorts to using WION to comfort their own fragile ego on a daily basis. The idea that India is capable of fighting a war against China, when Pakistan/Iran is ready to wreck India in the event they try to be funny, is simply wishful thinking when India is basically a nation that has failed to adapted into the modern age given their rape issues along with poverty, something a democratic nations shouldn't have in theory.
Also to mention is the Idea that the USA will target Chinese ships, come on, China has already shown the ability to jam signals and shut down the GPS in the south China sea along with having enough hypersonic missiles and troops to basically bomb all adversaries to kingdom come and end up no worse for wear given the sheer speed of which this can be done. You underestimate the extent that China will go to destroy their enemies should they start the fight which the USA has right now done with everything they have done up until now. Taiwan doesn't have the ability to strike the three gorges, a dam that is built to withstand nuclear weapons and worse and is also covered with enough radars and missiles and planes to intercept such an attempt with ease. Taiwan should they make this lethal move will risk having their power stations, their grids, their water faculties, military missile batteries and government buildings be bombed and thus will ensure that Taiwan will be destroyed within a week with the people surrendering under the fear of death from starvation and lack of water should the government in Taiwan be as stupid as you are suggesting to make the first strike, that ultimately will spell the death of the government. Also, formally targeting Chinese ships and ports in they way you describe will mean the beginning of WW3 and the usage of nuclear weapons from China and Russia to bring the USA down given that the USA has angered both nations so much that really it won't take much for them both to finally make the real moves and do what is necessary because really, you must be thinking that China is magically going to roll over just because the USA struck a port in China. You have to be utterly stupid not to expect China to bring reprisals what are lethal and given that this is the RED LINE with a talking about here and given that China has working hypersonic missiles, this will not end well for the USA (who always seem to fight people that cannot fight back) given that CHINA is not IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN and this is why the USA hasn't made a real invasion happen because this time, this foe they made completely on their own terms can cut off all goods and capital to the USA, dump all treasuries they process and will have the capabilities to strike back hard to any city in the USA and also has an ally that hates the USA equal or even worse then China does that can do the same kind of missiles strikes, only that they have more missiles to use.
The USA has too many problems to even begin a fight, other wise why are they trying to rope all the nations around the China to stand up to China instead of fighting them by themselves if they are a super power like they love to believe they are and why is the USA trying to desperately peel Russia from China if they are in a position of strength. With the food shortages, bad weather conditions killing the crops and the fact that the USA economic situation about to go critical, right now they can only make these stupid statements to rile China into invading but really, right now, even the Taiwanese president knows that on the day she decides to cross the red line, her life is forfeit like the way the USA assassinated that Iranian general, that is how far China will go to reunite with Taiwan if pressed to the extreme, if you are really Chinese, you will know that this is a red line that China will be glad to fight to the bitter end for, like in the two wars that saw China fight the USA to a draw at worse and basically kicking them away from invading the mainland at best, both of which shows the limit of a so call super power. The fact that the USA requires so many nations to try and take on China shows very well that the USA is a weak nation that needs to be push around like a bully to make themselves seem superior when the very retreat from Afghanistan and Vietnam has shown that even with they weapons they have, they don't have the mentality to do what it takes and that is the reason why the USA is one step away from chaos if they cannot sort their own problem out and continue to point that China as a way to deflect from their own issues which is not going to help them in any way to fix their issues