What if the US Cyber Commands launches bunch to worms against China's command systems and grids before China could strike against US bases?
So what? China also has similar capabilities to strike back at the US. Plus these "command systems" you speak off are not connected with the internet which makes it far more difficult to attack them
What if several of Taiwan's HF-2Es, Yunfeng, and USN's Tomahawks manage to penetrate China's air defenses and blow up tons of dams in China?
"Tons of dams" better check out how difficult is for dams to get destroyed. Plus, if all these missiles manage to hit the interior of China so much then it means that the war would be already half-lost (western dreams)
Worse, what if Taiwan decides to lob several standoff missiles at Fujian's nuclear power plants, and one of those just happen to make it through and punch a hole on one of Ningde Plant's reactors? Do you respond with nukes then?
Reactors are missile/airplane hardened. And if attacked, China would directly threaten to use nuclear weapons against Taiwan/US if Taiwan doesn't surrender. This is called as a red-line in diplomacy, and no one will rush to defend Taiwan against China if it had really tried to bomb nuclear reactors
I don't know about the so-called genocide, but I am willing to speculate that if the Taiwanese public does not surrender unconditionally after the war break out, expect some forms mass killings and destruction of Taiwanese indigenous culture (especially those used to promote Taiwanese otherness) unseen since the Cultural Revolution.
You wat? China is a lot more smarter than you give it credit for
For example, if the PLA were to be charged by bunch of mobs armed with T-91/T-65 rifles, do you really expect them not to fight back?
Hahaha. Taiwanese people fighting lol. It seems you dont know a lot about them. The moment they see the PLA, they will surrender immediately. They are the biggest cowards I have ever known, rivalled only by the Japanese
In the end, nobody wins should a war break out over the Taiwan Strait.
Fake news. The moment Taiwan falls, China will have its foot on Japan's neck. Plus it will be able to break off from the 1st island chain constraints. Finally it would also be able to become much less restrained in dealing with ASEAN and finally start kicking out US influence from there
There also a dozen other benefits. So what you said about "nobody wins" is wrong
Beijing would also be a loser for being treated as a pariah state at least by all the white nations (maybe except Russia) plus India, Japan, and South Korea
India is already hostile. Same for Japan (it will change its mind after Taiwan falls though...). S.Korea will do nothing.
White nations are already most of them hostile to China. Who cares about a couple more puppets added against it?
In addition, by that time China would be far more powerful than today, and it would be easy to cripple them economically in case they tried to do something
Also, I don't how China is going to manage the enormous civilian casualties this war could bring about
Are you dreaming again? What "enormous civilian casualties" are you talking about?
Keep in mind that Chinese citizens have high expectations for their government looking after them. Given such sense of entitlement, they could easily blame their unintended suffering on the government not doing enough to look after them.
Chinese citizens demand is about reunification with Taiwan. In case you haven't noticed, it is actually the public that it more demanding and more assertive towards reunification with Taiwan. As time passes, this public voice is getting harder and harder to ignore by the Gov (Gov prefers to be more low-key)
The West must be very thankful to the CPC that it is keeping down the hard-left. If those guys were in power, then lol. Next day there would be war