I was inferring it to be localised learning not nationwide. So if in Xinjiang one is encouraged to learn/not compulsory the language of the local groups it could help a young child to inter grate better with his/her fellow pupils.This could be a remedy after being exposed to any negative adult attitudes.People arent born with prejudices its often taught
Over here in New Zealand we went through the whole problem, banning the indigenous people language from being used at school under fear of punishment.. We thus created a group of people totally alienated from society, until we did a complete U turn and voluntarily introduced Maori language into the school curriculum.
I know that in Tibet, It's compulsory for Tibetan to be taught alongside Mandarin for ethnic Tibetans. It's compulsory for Han and Hui in Tibet to be taught Mandarin, with the option of studying Tibetan. If we can infer from this that the same policy exists for the province of XinJiang, then I see no problems with the way the languages are taught at all.