Those are satellite imagery. While the shipyard is very close to the inbound/outbound path of Shanghai Pudong Airport, not enough of a straight top-down view, plus with COVID-19 situation, passenger flights are now far less thus the availability of such has dried up.are these overhead photos from satellites or commercial planes? If from satellites, what can the Chinese possibly do in response to the geopolitical situation to prevent them from being taken and released, short of building a permanent roof over the dock?
Next, as for satellite imagery, we can be certain those of military and national intelligence already have hi-res spy satellite imagery on that plot but of course, those won't be available to public domain; that leaves commercial satellite imagery. Certainly China could do nothing about that, as many of those commercial imagery satellites are owned and operated by Western bloc corporate entities. The "lack of" hi-res imagery is most likely due to those are not "freebies".
In other words, if you want a hi-res imagery of the Type 003 CV in construction especially its latest version, you have to cough out a few thousand dollars to order one from those operators. If you insist on freebies, then you got only low-res (i.e. blurry) ones available on public domain to go with.