From an US-Navy checklist for deck personal:
Landing Procedure
Landing aircraft on a carrier is one of the most dangerous operations performed. All hands not involved in landing operations are ordered to clear the flight deck, catwalks, and guntubs. Personnel whose duties require that they be in exposed places must keep alert and watch incoming aircraft so they can get clear in case of an abnormal or emergency landing.
Before the aircraft landing, the flight deck aft is checked by the arresting gear officer to ensure the following:
- Catapult gear is clear of the landing area.
- The shuttle is retracted and the cover is in place on the No. 3 catapult.
- Sheaves are up in the aircraft area.
- The Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS) is turned on,or the manually operated visual landing system (MOVLAS) is rigged in its place.
- The barricade hatch is clear, and a tractor is hooked to the stored barricade if it is needed.
- The green rotating beacon at the aft end of the island is turned on.
- The aircraft are clear of the fouled deck line.
- The arresting gear crews are manned and ready.
- The landing signal officer's (LSO’s) platform is manned and ready.
- The gear is set for the first aircraft. (The recovery officer then calls, "Gear manned and ready; need a green light from the PRI-FLY.")
- The stanchions are all the way down.
- The removable coamings are stored.
- The aircraft elevators are up and in the locked position.
WARNING: Personnel should not turn their backs on landing aircraft or aircraft taxiing out of the arresting gear.
I think, the Chinese will not alter these procedures.