The Kuznetsov was launched 31 years ago next month and has not had a major overhaul during this entire period of time. Even with poor maintenance practices on the part of the Russians this is not a fair comparison.There isn't any excuse for what look like poor maintenance culture, whether it is due for a major overhaul or not and as I always say the equipment would perform as it looks, in this case a disaster waiting to happen, boilers have been known explode. It looks like it is being held together by duct tapes and a prayer. I had visited building central heating and cooling plant rooms of some major organizations in China and have walk away impressed with how the equipment is kept, maybe this is a maintenance culture that is followed by the military.
You really can't compare the two, Kuznetsov is more than 30 year old while Liaoning was just newly rebuilt. I read somewhere that wherever Kuznetsov goes, a tug always accompanies it so if engines die, it can towed home.Just a few days ago, someone put up pictures of Admiral Kuznetsov's boiler room.
Compare that to Liaoning's boiler room.