CV-16, CV-17 STOBAR carrier thread (001/Liaoning, 002/Shandong)

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
However, you are now comparing the enhanced special situation deployment intensity with the state of CV-17 during normal training, which is meaningless.
Honestly I'm not comparing anything. Really. Perhaps I missed something. I just wanted to point out the maximum sortie rate of a CV. That's all. In training a USN CVN flight ops can be intense. But many times the training is filled with all sorts of planned drills. All sorts. Trust me it is a pain. If I've offended anyone I sincerely apologize.


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I think what PLAN has done in terms of training intensity so far on these deployment is quite good. In fact, more than what I expected that they'd be able to do at this point.

But it's silly to make statement like USN cannot do this.

We don't know what kind of sorties PLANAF is doing. We don't know what is the most number of sorties they can do. We don't know how replicable they can do in real combat environment. We can certainly hope that they are doing quality sorties in practice and that they are replicable.

It's just good to see them operating at very reasonable tempo that (I hope) is workable in a high intensity conflict.