Not at all. The hand of friendship was offered to Putin. He batted it away because he didn't like the idea of Ukraine forging a path of its own choosing and on its own terms. That's why he annexed Crimea, and that's why he instigated the rebellion in eastern Ukraine. He wanted a divided, broken country that would be easier to manipulate or could be difficult for the EU/NATO to offer membership to.
Russia has plenty to lose, as increased European and American sanctions show. Every time someone said "they won't dare go further", they have done.
That is not what is happening. Why? Because they would be committing treason by taking their equipment with them. That large numbers of tanks, armoured vehicles and other equipment has been crossing the border shows this is happening at the Kremlin's direction - or, even worse, that someone unseen is pulling Putin's strings from within Russia (virtually impossible, but the only other explanation).
That makes no sense. You're suggesting the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying their best to lose the war. If they lose, that's it. "Shady" forces in the democratic world aren't going to use it as an excuse to take over or start a conflict. The Ukrainians want to win, but have found it hard because Russia has stepped up support for the rebels.
I'm not sure it was independently confirmed, and in any event:
a) it happened a long, long time after the rebellion started;
b) I have not heard anything credible to suggest it was "constant"; and
c) Russia returned fire.
Given the American rebels benefited hugely from French and other anti-British nations, you seem to be saying that the Russian government is directly the Ukrainian rebels.
Mr T, you constantly (as do others) hark on about Russian formations crossing the border to join the conflict. The problem is, nobody has yet produced a shred of credible evidence to support this contention, which for a modern army, would be impossible to achieve. The amount of generated SIGINT alone would be impossible to hide. The absence of evidence form those making the accusations is definitely evidence of absence in this case and those making the allegations are guilty of spreading tin foil hat conspiracy theory of the first order.
On top of that, if you search back not very far Dannhill has left a convenient link to the OSCE observer mission reports for both the border and inside the Donbass region. On no occasion does any report confirm the presence of Russian Regular formations, which would be impossible to hide, if they were doing even a fraction of the things with which they have been accredited.
So unless those making and repeating the allegations are accusing the OSCE of colluding with the Russians to perpetrate a conspiracy against their own sponsoring governments, they are only generating headlines fit for the tackiest and least credible of tabloids.