I personally believe that the theory of the frozen food transmission should be studied further. If you worry about door handles and elevator buttons being sites where viruses can be transferred from one person to the next, you should worry about frozen food packages for the same reasons. They are all items that are heavily touched by many different people. The only difference is that door handles and elevator buttons are located at room temperature, at which coronaviruses can survive only for a few hours. Frozen food packages are constantly kept at super low temps, where these viruses can comfortably live for up to 2 years. Keep in mind that these viruses LOVE cold temps. If you worry about door handles, you should be more worried about those frozen food packages.And now OZ is outrage. Lol
From the mail.
WHO whitewash: Investigators back China's claim that AUSTRALIAN BEEF could have caused Covid-19 - and demand there be 'no further study' of theory that it came from a Wuhan lab
World Health Organisation scientists have given credibility to Beijing's claim that the Covid-19 pandemic may have started outside China and been brought into Wuhan via frozen food imports.
Link here.
I keep hearing people talking about low probability. Yes, in a lab setting where any experiment is repeated 3-5 times, a 1/1000 probability means that you will never detect it. In the real world, on the other hand, the same 1/1000 probability means that it WILL happen without any doubt because you have millions/billions of people who do the same thing day in and day out. And for viral transmission, all it takes is a 1/100,000 event that will completely change everything. How often does a virus acquire the capability to jump from a bat to a human? How often does a virus acquire the capability to jump from human to human? Any of these events is 1/100,000 or 1/100,000,000, or even much less probable. Yet, all of them happened to a single virus in a short period of time last year. So when it comes to anything that has anything to do with the general public, low probability doesn't really mean anything.