You hit the nail on the head with this one, and I was just about to make the same point - it is blatantly obvious that western ‘scientific advice’ had been thoroughly tainted by politics, and is thus unreliable, to put it charitably!
Indeed, it looks like western politicians have managed to pervert and weaponise science and twist it to suit their own ends.
Whenever they don’t want to make a politically and/or economically costly move to tackle the virus, their go-to excuse is now that there ‘isn’t scientific evidence’ for it. Same when they want to make a move, they just claim there isn’t scientific evidence against it.
Basically they are demanding the most rigorous standards of scientifically proof when they are being challenged on calls that will blatantly set-back efforts to contain the outbreak, knowing full well that such evidence isn’t readily available and that by the time it can be scientifically proven, it will already be too late to stop them from doing what they want.
In addition to the examples cited by Solarz, the most recent and current example are the plans to allow a free-for-all over Christmas.
Anyone with half a brain cell and see what that will do, but western political leaders hide behind the excuse that it isn’t scientifically proven yet. All so they can’t be accused of ‘cancelling Christmas’.
Imagine what would have happened had Chinese leaders shown such contemptible cowardice about the prospect of cancelling the Chinese New Year when this was first detected.
China has been the only major country to not try to argue or spin science, and use science to guide its responses, which is shockingly why China has been the only country to have been able to stop a full blown outbreak in its tracks
Oops, looks like one of our health "experts" just got caught:
A short 15-second video circulating on Twitter shows Associate Medical Officer of Health Dr. Barbara Yaffe unpacking some papers next to her colleague Dr. David Williams prior to the beginning of their twice-weekly briefing.
At one point before the briefing gets underway, Yaffe remarks “I don’t know why I bring all these papers. I never look at them. I just say whatever they write down for me.”