Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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I remember, too!

I also remember exactly what I was thinking in January: how lucky that the epidemic has broken out in China. No other country in the world would have taken such effective countermeasures so quickly.

Countermeasures were the essential information other countries needed at this early stage of the pandemic, when little was known about the virus: rigorous lockdown in affected cities or regions. Protect additionally selected important places such as your own capital by cordoning off and quarantine rules for travelers.

Every information was available to anyone who watched the daily news.

I remembered too how terrified I was at that time.
I thought it to be impossible to stop the tsunami of Chinese moving about near the time of Chinese New Year.
I am a Chinese and know how rooted in tradition the need to be with close family at that time, aspect that be bewildering and un understandable to those non Chinese folks. That it was impossible China would muster the political will and strength to have a lockdown on Wuhan. Wuhan was the heart of North South East West transport system of China. And that meant a total lockdown of entire China.

Even as I saw with ach in my heart how China tried to combat C19 then, I saw that was only the start. And that China might not win and be totally devastated with deaths of millions.

I wrote on 5 Feb to the mockery of folks here, from Facebook, and my WhatsApp cohorts.

The only thing I got wrong was that I hoped the laughters and savage mockeries and insults from West and USA will subside when they got hit turned out to be so incorrect. Their venom and hatred against what China acheived grew even more and they manufactured and crafted more outrageous lies instead


Feb 5, 2020

What we all witnessing now is the first phase. The starting point of 2019 new corona virus in Wuhan and China.
And we seen the response made in quarantining and incredible speed of organising and building hospitals and facilities in holding and treatment.
And may in time, hold and halt this virus totally in China.
We also see the mocking and laughters and demonising of China's efforts , despicable cartoons in guise of free speech to laugh and the taking advantage of this to further rub the face of China in the mud.


The next phase is inevitable. Not that I wish for that to happen, but happen that will be.

That virus is now already in many countries and with the fore warnings given by China. Despit the warnings, are those countries capable and able and have the dedicated expertise shown by China in containing and holding and treating this virus? Can USA, or any other country , build hospitals from bare fields and equipt that in a matter of days?

Perhaps so, but sadly, not to the extent demonstrated by China.

In the days and weeks to come, that virus will be spreading and spreading in USA, in Denmark, in Europe , in Africa , India and Australia.
Chinese and China and all decent folks will sorrow and pray for them and help them best they can in USA, Denmark and others .
And maybe, hopefully, the insults and savage mockery they shown to China will stop as they all desperately trying not to be sick and die themselves.

Chinese and China and all decent folks will not be mocking and laughing and taking advantage or insulting them the way USA, Denmark and others had done and still doing to China in the initial crisis.

We will wait , and see.

Phase 2 is just starting.



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1. This is a different strategy that mirrors US philosophy rather than countering it.

>Right now, China mainly keeps a low profile in rhetoric but achieves big results. It hopes that Europe and other countries will see it as a non-aggressor that is simply too awesome to stop even with America attacking it in full panic mode. This image is meant to convey that China is not only strong enough to defeat attacks without attacking, but it is also more benevolent than the US.

How would you even know this? This is only your guess. I am very suspicious that is their goal. You think China funds billions to state media to enhance soft power by...keeping a low profile? No. That is illogical.

Now your strategy is to bite back as hard as you can

No. That's your guess. My strategy is to destroy their credibility and put them on the back foot so they're on the defense. I don't have to bite them. I just have to bring up extremely inconvenient facts while concern trolling them about transparency and such. For example, regarding the coronavirus, I would bring up Fort Detrick leak, immediate and near by mysterious vaping illness and pneumonias throughout 2019, months before covid 19 in Wuhan to put the focus on them and get people asking lots of uncomfortable questions. I would say a science-based independent transparent investigation needs to carried around these outbreaks. What can they possibly say? If usa rejects, I accuse them of a coverup. If usa accepts, they're in trouble. There's no need to act aggressively to cripple their messaging.

Another example was to instantly associate "China did it" with wmd in Iraq. Everyone knows it and the negative emotion, anger, betrayals it brings up are great to kill America's message. It's easy and can be posed as an innocent inquiry.

I don't understand why this seems so hard for others to grasp. Exposing those lies are easy and high value tasks that destroy their credibility, which is the BASIS of influence.

2. If China adopts the fight-fire-with-fire tactic, it could make the Chinese also blindly hateful of the US and China could lose this advantage.

No. That's your guess, again. You seem to think my strategy is to scream at America. It's not. It's to destroy their veneer of credibility so that their message are ignored, which takes away a lot of their power. The other focus is to expose anti Chinese racism so America loses influence and people go on guard. Many things Americans and Westerners say makes no sense because it's riddled with illogical hypocrisy, but it's not immediately obvious because Chinese media is for a lack of a better word, too nice.

For example who the hell in HK during the 2019 protests would look to America/Britain for "help" if it was WIDELY known that America overthrows democratically elected governments? There is a lot of this sort of fringe information that needs to rise to the level of common sense so that no one even listens when America speaks about democracy or bringing democracy to HK or human rights for Uyghurs or some other bs. I saw something about HK school textbooks whitewash western drug wars in China. I wonder how many of these pro-USA clowns know about the rampant anti Asian racism in the West? I wonder who is hiding this information from them? It's ridiculous. These are the kinds of super low IQ failures that should NEVER EVER happen. I know I am over simplifying the 2019 HK protests

Sheep to the slaughter. That's what China raises yet you think that's a good idea. I'm not telling these sheep to become wolves, but they should at least have some awareness/defense.

Your point about advantage is illogical. China knows much about America due to the English language being used in science, tech, entertainment, etc. This one way advantage will remain whether Chinese love America or not.

Now, you failed to count for the disadvantages. One example is racism. I don't know how much anti Chinese racism is covered in Chinese media but there seem to be a whole lot of gullible Chinese who white worship and get burned. The absolute worst are the armies of geniuses who end up in the West and enrich them while being treated like trash. Do Chinese know their favorite Western luxury goods are owned by people who hate their guts? Or the infestation of sex tourists disguised as esl teachers? How is that an advantage? China complains bitterly about the brain drain...then writes an article about the "beautiful country". Are these people insane?

On a related note about HK...
I bring this up because the socialism/communism was brought down in many nations by the CIA's soft power/psychological warfare. It was the promise of a capitalist mirage of milk and honey that allow them to hijack the grievances of certain elements of the well-off and direct them towards switching towards capitalism. It sounds absurd but perception is reality. China's enemies understand this. China does not. That's why they can spit on a Chinese in the West yet still be welcomed as desirable guests in the China. They know perception is reality. We perceive whites as wonderful people in their controlled media. We DO NOT perceive the abuse so it's not real to us. For people without personal contact, media is literally our only reality - even when it's fake.

Quite frankly, the US style of propaganda is messing their people up; they are looking ignorant and hateful to observers and the highly educated. It's not really something I want to see mirrored in China.

And you won't because that's not what I'm advocating. I have not ever advocating spreading racism, lies, about other nations the way western media does about China. I do advocate for spreading awareness of racism against Chinese/Asians in general.

3. You can make your English media outlet as hip and awesome how do you get it to your target audience in different countries?
even a neutral or mildly friendly country is unlikely to give up their own influence over their people to promote your channel in their media.

Gain control of the head positions of major local news eg board, editor, etc. Control funding. That's what the CIA did starting in the Cold War. It continues today.

Rather, your content, if it makes a rare exciting splash, will be presented to their people, filtered and interpreted by their local outlets. You are still, as you are now, at the mercy of local interpretation.

Irrelevant. This assumes they would go to great lengths to distort the message, which is highly unlikely. There's no motive.

If you are successful, hostile countries can simply ban your content

If they know it's your content. A key lesson of propaganda is to be undetectable/subtle and have a large Overton Window. If, for example, the news outlet attacks the "Chinese regime" and/or praises capitalism occasionally, it becomes much harder to whack a mole.

Secondly, there's a whole world online that the pentagon has begun to weaponize over a decade ago. That should be the focus. The Chinese could bypass lots of the problems you mentioned by creating and controlling large online search engine, discussion, video, chatting, etc platforms. For example, is a CIA mouthpiece. It's just pro-imperial content, pro-imperial moderation, and vote manipulation all day. Control the platform like the usa does, and most of your job is already done.

Instead, many "undesirables" according to imperialists are getting ghosted, censored, buried by pro imperial moderators who can wipe you out at the click of a button.


Registered Member
US turned into laughing stock, incredible:

Trump says US topping world virus cases is 'badge of honour'

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Did you hear what his son said. The virus would disappear overnight after Nov 3rd! I guess outrages claims is in the family blood. The video is 5 min long. But it is the first 30seconds he said that. What is also telling is the Fox news interviewer made no attempt to contradict him. It was like they are in agreement, and if so, this would translated into their viewers.



Tyrant King
Hmmm . . .

What you said is about as valid as your claimed odds of American being struck by lightning instead of by covid19.

TerraN_EmpirE said:
Sky rocketing? In Italy in Iran yes. in nations like Japan and South Korea perhaps. compared to their relative population. And the fact that South Korea refused to close the boarder to Chinese flights despite calls to do just that.
On the US you are spinning. It’s at 1/654,000. The odds of being struck by lightning are better.

BBC is hardly considered as reputable by me. By you perhaps.
You consider the tweets from D to be reputable as well?

You should speak for yourself and not take yourself as spokesman for everyone as well.
I seen enough of the allegations from D and Pompeo and members of 5eyes being screamed about here.
It be refreshing to see this from yet another angle.

Both got smoke. But the one on Fort Detrick got sight of flickering of flames , and dots that can be joined.
From D and Pompeo and gang, I only see more smoke and mirror and dog and pony show.
Try again. You are taking a quote from me months out of context to ad hominem.
I don’t care if you trust the BBC. As clearly you trust the video which has baseless claims. If you want to fact check try google. I never said I trust tweets either. I said D as you put it has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth. Hyperbole and exaggeration are the norm on Social media. I also never said I believe the claim of a Chinese Bioweapon either.

Once again the resident Conspiracy theory has spoken. Pardon me well I get back to the secret Cabal to hide the Flat Earth, Aliens and commune with the King Lizard man D.


Lieutenant General
No because it’s off topic.

No because it was such a transparent bait-and-switch to distract attention from the utterly dismal Trump response to COVID and the disasters of American healthcare and capitalism. I was gonna update it, but it stands okay as is. In fact, the evidence refuting the idea that China somehow invented or leaked the virus is even more strong now. Labs in both France and Sweden have found patients who had COVID last fall. And even the "Five Eyes"--the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada--America's closest allies, has said the virus-from-a-China-lab story had no legs. You don't have to like China. It's not important. But this is a distraction, especially aimed at working class people, to get Americans to focus on a foreign country instead of the miserable collection of plutocrats running this country. That's the bottom line.

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"the engineer"
I suggest we 'censor' posts and comments on conspiracy theories regarding the origin of the virus in this thread, unless there's solid scientific (eg published by medical journal) or media reports from reputable sources such as the BBC.

It's a waste of everybody's time to keep digging the rabbit hole.
BBC is not reputable.. Lancet sure.. but any MSM is basically trash.


Tyrant King
@Equation. This is exactly why I am pushing back because the fact is just as much as you push the Wuhan theory is distraction SO is the Detrick theory. The fact is China hasn’t solved this either. Despite claims to the contrary.
Trump is a distraction.
That’s politics.
That Video is a Counter Distraction.
I am done with this thread again. Please resume regularly scheduled events.