Really no one was suggesting Pence was carrying empty boxes.the fun was he dare to suggest carrying empty ones for more publicity shoot. But of course, we know, like his boss, it's only sarcasm!
If you want a real world example of Cersei Lannister and Joffrey, I would point you to Taiwan. A seamless combination of evil, stupidity, and incompetence.
@shanlung Is this what LKY envisioned when he said immigration is good?
A slave class in a wealthy society.
The average Singaporeans are nothing but 4th class citizens and just a rung above the foreign slave class. Democracy is a transmogrified form of guided democracy unimaginable to anyone not living in Singapore.
I wouldn't class Singapore as a democracy. It's effectively a one-party state with the theoretical mechanisms of democracy but with the system stacked in favour of the PAP. In democracies, the government normally does not respond to criticism by suing its opponents for "defamation" and subsequently bankrupting them so they can't run for office. Also, in a democracy the courts wouldn't rule in favour of the government all the time in such "defamation" cases but would throw them out.
As I think you mentioned, migrant workers in Singapore normally live in cramped conditions. Whilst the Singaporean government had a good initial response to Covid-19, they appear to have ignored the migrant workers (because, hey, they're invisible). So it got stung with infections via these groups, who by default are not going to have good access to healthcare due to cost and/or the time required to seek help (which means losing money by being off work).
P.S. Apologies if this has all been discussed before.
May 3, 2020
I took a closer look at the numbers (LOL of course preparing for pub talk, as pubs are expected to be reopened in May), used
and before I show the graph, I add two things:
- an important suggestion by @AndrewS to take the numbers since the beginning of strong mitigation efforts, and
- the same function I used for China (I linked the story I think yesterday, in short it worked with a caveat LOL)
- the situation was tense here around the end of March, a total lockdown was threatened if the number of cases would quickly go to 10k (and "was threatened" means "would be enforced")
- I'm going to check on Sunday, May 10
looks like I wanted to believe the narrative Apr 25, 2020 which was there wouldn't be much new cases here; an update:
in short, recently (April 26 - May 2) the daily average was 65, so my Apr 25, 2020 prediction for May 9 is too low already!
Let me say living conditions. In the US the workers get no dormitory from their employer, they are migrant workers, too, and have to organize their own accommodation and then live there with colleagues in a small space.
Many of the slaughterhouse are in rural communities in the US. The rent should be relative cheap. I could be wrong but I am not convinced that they may have to share living quarters with their colleague at work. So I am still leaning towards the slaughterhouse working environment as the source for the outbreak.
Perhaps the sharing of living quarters was a main factor for the outbreak in Germany. But that same scenario may not apply for US.
It is more likely because of unsanitary handling of meat on a conveyor line. An infectious person at the start of the line could quickly infect all subsequent workers down the conveyor line. I do not think social distancing is the answer for preventing such outbreak.
The main question is why it has not happened in other country's slaughterhouse. At least it is not reported as such.