Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Coronavirus | Wuhan initially downplayed crisis, says China expert Dali Yang:
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It's interesting to me that the national convention of China happened in the same city and at around the same time when this disaster was unfolding. Too much coincidence?


Basically, almost everyone downplayed COVID-19 at first, including China, but China quickly realized its mistake and went full force to reverse it, which greatly limited further damage. But even after seeing the devastation in Wuhan, the EU and US still downplayed it and now they have situations much more severe than China did. Take it one step further and we have nations even now still dismissing it such as Brazil (with Bolsonaro saying that Brazilians should be scientifically studied because they're so resilient to disease and thus have nothing to worry about) and Belarus (with Lukashenko refusing to shut down hockey matches and telling people that they will be immune as long as they visit the sauna twice a week and drink vodka). So was China's reaction perfect? No way, but in this world, it's far from being the one who deserves to take the heat.


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Dr. Li Wen Liang, along with 14 other front line and health workers in Hubei, now recognized officially as martyrs.

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This recognition has benefits for the family of the deceased such as educational and financial support.

Let us not forget the others who have lost their lives.

Li Wenliang, 34, was one of
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who tried to warn other medics of the coronavirus outbreak but were reprimanded by local police. He died on February 7 after contracting COVID-19.

Other martyrs include Jiang Xueqing, Li's colleague from the Wuhan Central Hospital who died from the coronavirus on March 1, and Liu Zhiming, former director of Wuchang Hospital who passed away on February 18 due to COVID-19. Liu was the first hospital director to die of the virus.

Also listed is 59-year-old nurse Liu Fan who worked at Wuhan's Wuchang Hospital. Liu died from the virus on February 14. Her parents and her brother also died of the coronavirus. Peng Yinhua, 30, a frontline doctor at the First People's Hospital of Jiangxia District in Wuhan, had delayed his wedding in order to treat infected patients at the hospital. He died on February 20. Xia Sisi, also 30, was a gastroenterologist at Wuhan Caidian District People's Hospital. She passed away on February 23 due to COVID-19 while battling on the frontlines of the epidemic.


Are there any errors in the Chinese Covid 19 statistics? I am sure that it contains errors. The German Covid 19 statistics also contain errors. Many errors are even known in their cause, but the extent can only be estimated.

I am convinced that the Covid 19 statistics of many other countries contain more errors than the statistics of, for example, China and Germany. Therefore: don't point your finger at errors in statistics, errors arise for a variety of reasons (overloading of personnel, complicated reporting channels, wrong interpretation of the rules). It is better to look for the individual country-specific size of errors instead!


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There are rules in the armed forces regarding voicing ones concern, but how many of you truly believe that the actions taken against the captain is justified? I believe it actually depresses morale.

He probably did go through channels with his concerns.

But as we've seen in the past (with the numerous past incidents in the Pacific Fleet), the Admirals just ignored it.

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Air Force Brat

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Yesterday I was rosted to work, before starting work, all staff must go through the officer who would ask many questions before a temperature reading is taken. Many staff are casual workers and due to little works and very little incomes, have the incentive to lie inorder to work. But they can not hide a fever, so a temperature check is mandatory. Temperature checking by itself is not fool proof but is part of a series of safety measures to improve a biosecurity enviroment.

Myself as well, the school nurse was taking and recording temperatures of each staff member.