All of the people angry at China and blaming it for this virus are implicitly admitting that they expect perfection from it. Fair play to them, China often delivers perfection, which is why any failure however slight from it is so shocking. If someone keeps getting 100% on test after test, a 97% is surprising.Basically, almost everyone downplayed COVID-19 at first, including China, but China quickly realized its mistake and went full force to reverse it, which greatly limited further damage. But even after seeing the devastation in Wuhan, the EU and US still downplayed it and now they have situations much more severe than China did. Take it one step further and we have nations even now still dismissing it such as Brazil (with Bolsonaro saying that Brazilians should be scientifically studied because they're so resilient to disease and thus have nothing to worry about) and Belarus (with Lukashenko refusing to shut down hockey matches and telling people that they will be immune as long as they visit the sauna twice a week and drink vodka). So was China's reaction perfect? No way, but in this world, it's far from being the one who deserves to take the heat.
On the other hand, when we have a D- student expecting anything but failure is irrational. Which is why America's endless train of failures passes without comment.