Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Basically, almost everyone downplayed COVID-19 at first, including China, but China quickly realized its mistake and went full force to reverse it, which greatly limited further damage. But even after seeing the devastation in Wuhan, the EU and US still downplayed it and now they have situations much more severe than China did. Take it one step further and we have nations even now still dismissing it such as Brazil (with Bolsonaro saying that Brazilians should be scientifically studied because they're so resilient to disease and thus have nothing to worry about) and Belarus (with Lukashenko refusing to shut down hockey matches and telling people that they will be immune as long as they visit the sauna twice a week and drink vodka). So was China's reaction perfect? No way, but in this world, it's far from being the one who deserves to take the heat.
All of the people angry at China and blaming it for this virus are implicitly admitting that they expect perfection from it. Fair play to them, China often delivers perfection, which is why any failure however slight from it is so shocking. If someone keeps getting 100% on test after test, a 97% is surprising.

On the other hand, when we have a D- student expecting anything but failure is irrational. Which is why America's endless train of failures passes without comment.


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There are rules in the armed forces regarding voicing ones concern, but how many of you truly believe that the actions taken against the captain is justified? I believe it actually depresses morale.
Indeed there are rules in the military and there has to be consequences for violating them. I think Crozier knew full well he would no longer be a captain by choosing to release that memo (indirectly) to the public. There is no way one would engage in such reckless act if the problem can be solved via normal channels.

In other words, he sacrificed his career to save his crew.


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Uh Oh
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This is a REALLY bad look
When 9/11 happened, Canada and US were like "iron brothers" (to borrow the phrase from Pakistan/China), but this is near betrayal

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Morally, this guy is reprehensible, but legally speaking, seizure and redistribution of private property in non-drug/organized crime cases is a pretty rare circumstance.


US sales representatives are trying to "hijack" deliveries all over the world and redirect them to their own country. I have read relevant reports in numerous European newspapers today. Germany has long been warned on this point, because President Trump wanted to buy a company and let it work exclusively for the United States that is working on a vaccine with prospects of success. The deal became public and did not materialize. The company's representative was fired after returning from a White House meeting.


If I interpret the many available numbers correctly, Austria will soon become the first country in Europe where the number of active cases begins to decrease. The day before yesterday there were 9129 cases, yesterday 9222. This is already a very flat increase.

This milestone was in China on February 18 and in South Korea on March 12.


Lieutenant General
A group of 108 volunteers has been vaccinated in a clinical trial for a
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vaccine in
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and 18 of them have ended their 14-day quarantine as of Thursday. CT examinations and blood tests show they are all in good health.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
Indeed there are rules in the military and there has to be consequences for violating them. I think Crozier knew full well he would no longer be a captain by choosing to release that memo (indirectly) to the public. There is no way one would engage in such reckless act if the problem can be solved via normal channels.

In other words, he sacrificed his career to save his crew.

I salute that Captain Crozier .

Rettam Stacf

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According to the news report, Captain Crozier was relieved of his duty not for writing the memo or for personally leaking the memo to the press, but for :

(1) Copying 20 to 30 people on the memo which the navy does not feel they have the right to know.
(2) Using a non secured network to send the memo, thus risking the memo from being leaked.

In a way, he is US's version of Dr Li Wenliang by taking the same approach to alert many people outside the chain of command of a potential crisis.

As reported by Tam on Post # 4024, the Chinese government has restored Dr Li's honor by naming him an official Martyr of the country. I hope the US Navy, after this Coronavirus crisis is over, will restore Captain Crozier's honor by rescinding the reprimand.


Lieutenant General
According to the news report, Captain Crozier was relieved of his duty not for writing the memo or for personally leaking the memo to the press, but for :

(1) Copying 20 to 30 people on the memo which the navy does not feel they have the right to know.
(2) Using a non secured network to send the memo, thus risking the memo from being leaked.

In a way, he is US's version of Dr Li Wenliang by taking the same approach to alert many people outside the chain of command of a potential crisis.

As reported by Tam on Post # 4024, the Chinese government has restored Dr Li's honor by naming him an official Martyr of the country. I hope the US Navy, after this Coronavirus crisis is over, will restore Captain Crozier's honor by rescinding the reprimand.

Sorry but that is just plain wrong with regards to Dr Li.

Dr Li did not try to ‘get the word out’ as the western MSM has brainwashed the world into believing. Nor did Dr Li attempt to send warning through the proper channels, because he was an eye doctor who had neither the training or all the facts.

Dr Li sent a private message with the wrong information (he said it was SARS) to a small group of his friends and specifically told them to keep the news to themselves. Any doctor who did that anywhere in the world would get hauled over the coals for serious breaches of professional and legal codes.

What Dr Li did was akin to shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theatre when there was a bomb. It was the wrong warning that could have made things significantly worse and needlessly cost many more lives if his gossiping had triggered a massed exodus from Wuhan on top of normal heavy holiday traffic.

Dr Zhang jixian was the one who actually first spotted and diagnosed COVID19 and immediately raised the alarm through proper channels (before Dr Li sent his private messages to his buddies).

I bet you have never even heard of her if your only source of news is the western MSM.

Guess what happened to her? She got awarded by China for doing her job and doing it well.

There is no Chinese parallel to Captain Crozier because firstly China never tried to cover up or suppress the scale of COVID19; and secondly because when the alarm was raised through proper channels, China deployed world leading medical experts to investigate immediately, and followed their expert advice and adopted their recommendations without hesitation and in full despite the costs