Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Yes, black death is terrible. However, it doesn't mean that anything less than black death should be dismissed.

That's fine, you can use the Avian Flu's projection as an alternative to do the same analysis.

Does that mean we should shrug off and say the nuclear bombs are nothing to be afraid of?

You're actually weakening your own argument. Nuclear bombs are worth worrying about precisely due to their potential for destruction. So please add the projections for a nuclear holocaust to the same analysis I requested, and then we will discuss "the numbers" further.


And what you're doing right now is semantics, while I'm requesting data.

Have you though, really? A bunch of stats you saw in a newspaper and terms like "exponential growth" qualify as "numbers"? That's how easy it is? I'm requesting an actual mathematical analysis. Have you given me the requested histograms? Please show me a distribution of this disease, compared against something like the Plague (or even a projection of something like the Avian flu, if it mutates to person-to-person transmission), by age group and level of compromised immune system, and then we will discuss "the numbers."

Please see below the statistics you wanted.

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You may belong to a group with lower risks, but it doesn't mean this virus is harmless to everyone. When you play your part appropriately, you might minimize the chance of spreading the virus to a loved one/neighbor who is in the high-risk group. You don't want to walk around the neighborhood and bring the bug back home when you visit your aging parents. You might be ok, but not them... As you can see, there is a 100-fold difference between a younger person and an older person in terms of fatality.

I actually strongly discourage you from visiting anyone over 60 at this point. With your attitude toward the virus, the chance of you carrying the virus at this very moment is very high. You may not even feel any symptoms at all. But your aging loved ones may not be so lucky... Once infected, they have 1 in 10, up to 1 in 6, chance of dying from it...
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That is not even half of what I requested, please see the original request.

Well, work with whatever you have!!! What I've shown you so far have proven you wrong. So deal with it.

I do... I wash my hands and don't sneeze on people. What I don't do is freak out.

I don't think anyone is freaking out. There is a huge difference between freaking out and taking it seriously. You are responsible for your own life. That's fine. We respect that. The only difference is that we are trying to stop you from hurting your own loved ones and others.
Yesterday at 6:51 PM

while my Saturday at 7:32 PM forecast was significantly overestimated for the last two days, Italian daily numbers are growing yet (
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41035 (popped up now at
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) - 35713 = 5322, the rate still increasing :-(


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Well, work with whatever you have!!! What I've shown you so far have proven you wrong. So deal with it.

What exactly do you think you've "proven" here? That the elderly are at risk and should be careful? Well, good for you sir, and I will continue to wash my hands.

But does that "proof" validate your claims on this matter? You are talking like this is the end of the world and "Godzilla" has just attacked the world. These are pretty big claims, and the burden of proof is on you to justify this panic. I requested some very reasonable metrics and said we will discuss "the numbers" once the requested data is presented by your side. You can't "deal with that" so now you're just posturing.

I don't think anyone is freaking out.

Really? The global economy has come to a grinding halt, people have lost their livelihoods and businesses are going under, the job market is completely stagnating, people are fighting in stores over water bottles and buying guns and ammunition for the zombie apocalypse... I guess you think all of this is an "appropriate response," but when I ask you for a very reasonable mathematical analysis of the threat I get nothing but posturing and more newspaper stats with no actual analytical context.
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