What exactly do you think you've "proven" here? That the elderly are at risk and should be careful? Well, good for you sir, and I will continue to wash my hands.
But does that "proof" validate your claims on this matter? You are talking like this is the end of the world and "Godzilla" has just attacked the world. These are pretty big claims, and the burden of proof is on you to justify this panic. I requested some very reasonable metrics and said we will discuss "the numbers" once the requested data is presented by your side. You can't "deal with that" so now you're just posturing.
Really? The global economy has come to a grinding halt, people have lost their livelihoods and businesses are going under, the job market is completely stagnating, people are fighting in stores over water bottles and buying guns and ammunition for the zombie apocalypse... I guess you think all of this is an "appropriate response," but when I ask you for a very reasonable mathematical analysis of the threat I get nothing but posturing and more newspaper stats with no actual analytical context.
not sure I got your point or points, but you may want to check Monday at 7:55 PMThe real tragedy here is how fragile society has become. So many lives have been negatively effected, and all because of a flu with a realistic fatality rate of less than 1%. Even assuming the inflated rate of 2%, it's not exactly the Bubonic Plague, is it?
Yet, the entire world economy has come to standstill because the WHO/CDC issued overblown statements (just like they did with Ebola), then the media started issuing even more irresponsible statements and politicizing the issue, which started a chain reaction where the masses started demanding "action," which resulted in the governments panicking, which the media hyped up again to justify their original hype, thus creating this negative feedback loop. In the end, businesses are going bankrupt, people are getting laid off, society is "distancing" itself from each other (fighting in grocery stores over water bottles... in countries with the greatest supply of fresh water) all due to purely psychosomatic effects of mass hysteria, fostered by the media and corrupted organizations.
This whole episode will be studied by historians as a case-study of how ridiculous our entire society had become at this point in history. If all this mass-hysteria is the result of this fairly benign flu, what will happen when a real threat comes?
and ask yourself a question if you want to see this type of growth where you are, and how does it fit into your controversial post (tidbits from inside: "overblown statements", "governments panicking", "mass-hysteria")this is not meant to create 'a surrogate' for now-closed coronavirus thread, it's meant to show the world what happens if restrictions come late -- then even an amateur like me could see a disaster coming (if you cared about details, they're linked #2,909 and today's number is 27980 according to ):
Help us understand what data you want?
And please be so kind ands explain why you need the data that you ask for.
I said "Godzilla of flu", not the actual Godzilla. Big difference there.
Why are you pretending like you didn't read the request which you yourself quoted in post #3,152 ?
lolz, okay. So if this is the "Godzilla of flu," what would the Avian Flu be, if (God forbid) that mutates into something that can be transmitted from person to person? And what was the Plague? Or Smallpox? If you think that all of the social effects listed above are an "appropriate response" to COVID-19, what exactly would your response be to these actually catastrophic viruses?
https://www.reddit.com/r/HongKong/comments/flbkodI was watching MSNBC's Morning Joe. They're upset that China is getting all this positive press for helping countries around the world. They had a guy talking disinformation campaigns but not from the US. The US is not helping its allies but they claim China's help is not from the heart. They don't like how China is accusing Americans of engineering the coronavirus... Well then maybe Senator Tom Cotton shouldn't have accused China of engineering this virus from the start. The media doesn't even mention that part anymore. Talk about China hiding information... They brought up a claim from an anonymous source about a large US multi-national corporation they wouldn't name who makes ventilators claiming that China has bought up all this company's ventilators they make through June denying this company's own country from providing ventilators for Americans. Well then why doesn't Trump slap export restrictions of ventilators like other countries have restricted medical equipment. It's not like Trump is shy of slapping bans on sales to China. The irony is the guy they had on talking about disinformation campaigns said everyone should be wary of stories where they don't name names because it's most likely not credible.
I didn't have time to go through all of it.
The same thing! Social distancing and isolation! the same strategies work for any deadly viruses.
Keep in mind that the common flu wiped out 90% of the native Americans in north America because there was no flu in America until the Europeans brought it with them to America. ... At this point, no one knows whether this COVID-19 will be another "flu" to the native Americans, or another flu to the Europeans. Hence the seriousness.
Well, it's not my fault that you quoted my post without actually reading it.
It seems like you didn't even read my original post. I am not criticizing precautions, but the mass hysteria (examples of which I have provided to you multiple times now.) None of that is an "appropriate response" to COVID-19 and definitely qualifies as "freaking out." People are fighting over water bottles in grocery stores and stocking up on guns and ammunition, while the entire economy comes to a standstill, destroying livelihoods.
And as for your "isolation" strategy, if this actually was a "Godzilla flu," then sure, please shut down the entire planet. But no one has yet provided any evidence to prove such a catastrophic classification for this virus yet. Case in point:
First of all, that wasn't the flu, it was small pox, and its spread to the Native populations wasn't completely accidental, but also intentional.
Secondly, you are misrepresenting the problem. We already know how lethal the current strain of COVID-19 is. What you're citing now is the fear of the virus mutating into something more destructive. (That is the unknown variable.) But that is just as true for any other viruses, like for example Avian Flu, which is already much more lethal than COVID-19. If Avian Flu mutates into a form which can be transmitted from person to person, we know that it may kill 20% of the global population, God forbid. And that mutation can happen at any second (in fact, many claim that it is inevitable.) So clearly, having the same strategy for the current strain of COVID-19 versus something like a mutated Avian Flu simply makes no sense. Responses have to be proportional to the threat. If you max out your fear for something like COVID-19, by the time something worse hits, you will have no civilization left to save.