It was on 6th February2020 when I wrote
“What we all witnessing now is the first phase. The starting point of 2019 new corona virus in Wuhan and China.
And we seen the response made in quarantining and incredible speed of organising and building hospitals and facilities in holding and treatment.
And may in time, hold and halt this virus totally in China.
We also see the mocking and laughters and demonising of China's efforts , despicable cartoons in guise of free speech to laugh and the taking advantage of this to further rub the face of China in the mud.
The next phase is inevitable. Not that I wish for that to happen, but happen that will be.
That virus is now already in many countries and with the fore warnings given by China. Despit the warnings, are those countries capable and able and have the dedicated expertise shown by China in containing and holding and treating this virus? Can USA, or any other country , build hospitals from bare fields and equipt that in a matter of days?
Perhaps so, but sadly, not to the extent demonstrated by China.
In the days and weeks to come, that virus will be spreading and spreading in USA, in Denmark, in Europe , in Africa , India and Australia.
Chinese and China and all decent folks will sorrow and pray for them and help them best they can in USA, Denmark and others .
And maybe, hopefully, the insults and savage mockery they shown to China will stop as they all desperately trying not to be sick and die themselves.
Chinese and China and all decent folks will not be mocking and laughing and taking advantage or insulting them the way USA, Denmark and others had done and still doing to China in the initial crisis.
We will wait , and see.
Phase 2 is just starting. ”
That was into Facebook, my WhatsApp groups and other forums discussing covid19. To the mockery and laughter of so many at what I written then.
Why not? As at that time, a mere handful of cases outside of China. And folks and Western politicians felt the crisis in China due to the stupidity and incapablity of Communist Chinese in failure to bring that under control. Controls the Western countries felt that they will do so easily and well in their own countries. Thus spending the warning time they were given to counting coup and laughing and relishing the sickness and death in China.
It was on March 16th around midnight Singapore time that I plotted the covid19 cases of China , against the rest of the world outside China. That showed the numbers of the rest of the world outside China to be more than China.
That it taken from 6th February to 16 March for numbers of rest of the world to match that of China.
Or about 40 days.
As of this morning 19th March 2020, we find that they are no more new covid19 cases in China if imported cases from overseas are discounted. And that phase 1 of covid19 in China is over. That if that can be done by China with grit and determination, then why not in the rest of the world as well?
As of midnight Singapore time Mar 18th, there were 127577 cases for rest of the world.
As at 14:45 Singapore time 19th March ,
showed 219, 367 cases all over the world., with China at 80,928.
Or 138, 429 new covid cases for rest of the world.
I must assume at that rate, the number of corvid19 for the rest of the world will be doubled that of the cases in China by midnight of 19th March Singapore time.
That it will require only 3 days from 16th March to be double that of numbers of China when it required 40 days initially to match that of China.
Am I the only one afraid of what I am seeing? Am I too much of a coward? Can you tell me where you bought your blinkers and rose tinted glasses as I will like to have that more than toilet papers.
Phase 2 is well on its way. This is just the start of the beginning.
Covid19 spread even more and manufacturing and supply chains all crashing or will be crashing in days and weeks to come. That might well include farming and food production at later stage.
Do we still want to fight and argue? Will that be useful and fruitful to mankind getting out of this mess?
As said so earlier and repeated here yet again.
And that phase 1 of covid19 in China is over. That if that can be done by China with grit and determination, then why not in the rest of the world as well
Or should we all plan and work together and cooperate with each other.
Our one and only choice
My friends in USA and all over the world.
Take care and keep yourself and your family safe.