I haven't been reading the twenty or so posts added here every day but has anyone else arrived at the conclusion that COVID-19 has been spreading at least in the US or wherever (including China or any country) since early or mid 2019?
Let's examine some facts:
1. The seafood wetmarket in Wuhan that also does sell snake and pangolin (live) has not yet detected COVID-19 in any of the animals after Wuhan's shutdown. Sure it could have been covered up (although why? especially when CCP itself has not even argued the possibility of this being the cause) or the infected animal/s processed and purchased already. But as far as I'm aware, all academic papers or post COVID research has shown that snakes and pangolins are not yet naturally carrying or accepting COVID-19 from bats or any other animal! and they are not only not carriers, there's also no way to show they can even spread it to humans even if they could carry COVID-19, which they can't. So yeah the whole markets theory is scientifically proven false.
2. The US reported abnormally high cold and flu infection cases in 2019 and abnormally high deaths attributed to flu and flu caused diseases like pneumonia.
3. The US supplied what the US itself described as faulty test kits and later on covered up all testing results along with recorded numbers of infections. Why would they do this? An official nation wide cover up to make the whole situation inside the US more opaque than the worst of CCP days.
4. Jack Ma, under instruction from CCP perhaps, is donating free of charge thousands of test kits (in just one first offer wave) to the US, probably in the hopes they will test and see their ridiculously high infection numbers for themselves.
5. US doctors have spoken up on social medias claiming their suspicions of early COVID-19 in USA since many patients had X-ray scans that read like what COVID-19 does to one's lungs and lab tests of throat swabs and other indicators returned negative for all known viral flu causes.
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So all these thousands upon thousands of extra abnormal "flu" infections and deaths from something that returns negative for flu yet exhibits similar lung X-rays as COVID-19... hmmmmmm
6. Chinese diplomat tweets imploring the US to be transparent about how many infections they have and the results of testing for COVID-19 along with more transparency of Trump meetings ... more of a propaganda move to pull down the false facade of US freedom and transparency. There isn't freedom and it isn't any more transparent! It's all a matter of circumstance rather than philosophy now! The purpose of this move is to show the US that the CCP knows a bit more about the nature of this virus than they have offered and perhaps knows the extent of US involvement or at least US spread before Wuhan Dec 2019 was a thing.
What do you get when you put all the facts of the puzzle together? There is more to this COVID-19 story than a simple (scientifically iffy) suggestion that a country with no tradition of consuming bats, caught COVID-19 from a bat soup that was consumed in Palau Malaysia... also no cases in countries that actually consume bats in higher numbers. That's of course not to say Chinese people don't have a WIDE meat menu and most probably shouldn't keep such a wide meat menu especially given how interconnected people are these days and the high density cities we have too. At least without very costly and a well maintained regulatory infrastructure in place along with proper enforcement and checks. This is unlikely for where China is today, so maybe keeping the crazy range of meats off markets should be done regardless. SARS and Ebola should be enough lesson for the entire world especially high density countries with relatively lax meat supply chain infrastructure and laws. India doesn't have this stuff because they don't have a wide meat menu.
I think there's a chance the US leadership detected COVID-19 in continental USA well before December 2019 and continue to keep it hushed which explains points 2 to 6. They just didn't have quite as high an infection rate due to warmer weather before December in Wuhan and never had Wuhan's density or travel movement. It could have spread from China earlier, it could have spread from country X. This has nothing to do with where it originated despite some evidence it was in the US before December 2019.