Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member

Typical selected reporting from the MSM. When the Hong Kong riots was at its height. My cohorts keep saying "Hong Kong this, and Hong Kong that, and how long it's been going on, etc"! Yet, when I pointed out that France's "peaceful" demo been going on much longer, they look at me as if I was telling a great big fib! This just show how powerful and sucessful the MSM have been in manipulate the news to suit their agenda!

Red Moon

Junior Member
The fed just spent the equivalent of the annual GDP of Canada to save the stock market from crashing. So what do you think that will do to growth in the coming month?
Nothing at all! For the next two months, there will be zero investment other than health related. The economy will obviously contract badly. Eventually it will recover. It could be quick, or maybe not, and this depends on the public health measures adopted, not on monetary stuff right now, IMO.


Lieutenant General
WHO disagrees with you, and more specifically, points out that China "contained" it when it was already "out of the bag". Not to the same extent as in Europe and the US, but you did have infections in almost every province, and several provinces ended up with over 1K infections.

Fully agree that China is the only nation that had managed to decisively halt the spread of the virus after it had achieved full breakout.

You have to remember that at the start of the outbreak, China had zero warning or preparations, and it happened during the peak of the Lunar new year annual travel peak

Contact tracing was all but meaningless given the sheer numbers.

Places like South Korea, Japan, HK, Taiwan and Singapore all had the benefit of advanced warning, so they could screen new arrivals and put in place additional tracking measures so that if a visitor later tested positive, they could then easily and comprehensively contact trace people who were high risk of being also infected.

With the exception of SK, COVID19 never achieved any scale or true breakout on any of those places. And even in SK, the number of infected were massively inflated by the religious cults. But that in turn actually made the outbreak much easier to trace and contain, since those cult members where spending most of their time together rather than spreading the virus all over the country.

That is why none of them needed to go as far as China, because they reacted fast, their first lines of defences held. In addition, I am firmly convinced that the widespread use of masks also played a vital role in curbing the spread of the virus. There are real world case studies to prove this, where people on a bus with an infected individual and only those who didn’t wear masks ended up being infected.

I think western led ‘science based medical advice’ against the general use of masks by the public is one of the most vile and blatant pieces of selfish propaganda I have ever seen or even heard of.

The only reason western experts are giving that advice is because of the West’s utter inability to provide enough masks. The politicians are worried that if people feel they need masks but can’t get their hands on any that they will riot, so they lie to tell people they don’t need masks, and convince doctors and scientists to support that lie, because riots would indeed be the last thing countries facing COVID19 outbreaks needs. But those are not the only options!

It is beyond doubt that people will die because of this ‘expert advice’. And they will die because of pride, because if western governments officially request aid from China, China could meet the demand of masks for them. But western governments care more about face saving optics and point scoring against China than saving the lies of their own citizens. It is actually more important for western governments to try to find a way to beat the virus that is different from China’s methods than it is to beat the virus. Just look at the British example. They would rather have the entire population infect and maybe as much as 6% of them die than admit that China did something right and worthy of them to learn from.

It’s only when the bodies literally start piling up and western leaders start to panic that they would finally throw away their pride and follow China’s example. Italy and Spain are at those tipping points now, but they are luckier in that they are less brainwashed due to language from western MSM propaganda, so are less resistant to learning from China.

I expect the British and Americans to hold out much longer and their peoples to suffer much more needlessly.

It is pretty telling and pathetic that the western MSM and governments are even now still more obsessed about not giving China any credit by adopting China’s tried and proven methods than about saving the lives of their own citizens.

Even the WHO is calling these political scumbags out by stressing that now is the time for action, not stupid theory bashing trying to avoid following China’s example.


Registered Member
It is not only the toilet paper.

The shops started to ration all basic foodstuff, but best part of the time there is no paste, sugar, flour , water, long life milk caned food and so on. In the morning everything is OK, but in few hours time nothing left.
The shops try to fill up the shelves, but they are slow.

The price of isopropyl alcohol went up from 2-3 pounds to 30-40 pounds, if it is available.

That is joke, my leftover 3 litre has a value over 120 pounds. At least it will last for a while, but I have to restrict the use of it .
The madness will last for half year in good case, and I need 0.5 litre/month. Maybe I will use vodka for simple cleaning : D That is cheaper .

IT supposed to be way cheaper than the consumable alcohol, now it is cost close as much as the same amount of JAck Daniel.

The denatured alcohol has the same fate.

I have no clue where everyone put all of those stuff, making furniture from the toilet papers and pillows from pasta bags ?

The eggs disappears as well .

Good time to be in the grocery business .

This is Tesco in the UK. It's absolutely crazy, my wife, who does most of the shopping in our house, are saying it is impossible to find every day essentials in the local supermarket.

You got to wonder, what sort of mental state in people's mind to do such stupid thing.
I quote: "there's enough resources in the world for everyman's need, but not enough for everyman's greed! "



Registered Member
Simple soap water can destabilize the lipid membrane of current corona virus, effectively killing it.
Wash your hand and face.
Don't do it too much though. It might change the PH of your skin and you might end up in a worst possible situation.
: D

My business using the IPA, not me : )

I would like to get the corona as soon as possible.


Senior Member
You have to remember that at the start of the outbreak, China had zero warning or preparations, and it happened during the peak of the Lunar new year annual travel peak
Of course those are lies that they had no warning. They simply downplayed it. And that's a reason why it got out of PRC in the first place. China is still a fertile soil for this kind of disease outbreaks nowadays and maybe something will finally change as it will be pressured now to do something about that.

Let's keep it simple - you can't blame anyone (aside from people who eat raw meat of the not domesticated - MERS is different as camels are a part of normal human life in the Asia for millenias - species that are known FOR YEARS to be links between wildlife and humans) who got sick, no matter what kind of people they are. Let's assume that 99,999% of humanity isn't so careless or insane as there always will be some people who can do that deliberately.
But you can blame people known by name for downplaying the arising risks for whatever reason. And there were some of them in Hubei Province. And we all know that.

This wouldn't be a global issue right now if everything went 100% right in China.

You can give credit where credit is due but it doesn't mean that everyone is spotless.