Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


On Mar. 11, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, there are 62,793 cured cases and 14,831 existing cases. There are 80,793 cumulative cases (chart 4).

Chart 1:

Chart 2:

Chart 3:

Chart 4:
Folks in the states might want to use this link for the latest updates on coronavirus cases in the U.S. and Canada:

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This site uses machine learning to scrape local news for coronavirus reports. It is a lot faster than the CDC.

Machine learning? It's just doing basic web scraping. It is a good tracking site for the coronavirus, though it's made by dubious people.


Lieutenant General
Yes, I remember when Dr. Li passed away, the news mentioned he had been put on ECMO in his last hours, and someone on Twitter was like 'What? they are using ECMO?". I felt that's the time when that person finally started to take COVID-19 seriously.

I don't know if any Western media has a China-based science reporter, despite China being the no.2 scientific power. So it's not surprising they all treat COVID-19 as a political or economic matter - that's the only thing their journalists knew how to report.

A couple weeks ago I begun to notice that I had never seen a Western journalist asking questions during the daily briefings of the National Health Commission. All of them were instead asking political questions at the Foreign Ministry briefings. I was like 'seriously? do they know this is potentially an pandemic and their readers at home may actually benefit from knowing about, you know, how the control/treatment efforts are going?'. I hope after all this is said and done some of those journalists would reflect on their misguided reporting priorities during the outbreak. But I guess they will just find a way to blame China for their mistakes.

All China-based journalists must know that they are supposed to serve the interests of their readers, not to serve the interests of Chinese dissidents.

Good posting somehow I feel like they are hard wired to shout Dictator Intrusive, abusive,surveillance etc to anything that has to do with China kind cognitive dissonance. Here is good op ed from global time

Finding fault with China a symptom of West’s ideological crisis

By Ai Jun Source:Global Times Published: 2020/3/11


Aerial photo taken on February 2 shows the Huoshenshan Hospital, which was built in 10 days and put into operation on the same day to fight the novel coronavirus pneumonia, in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province. Photo: Xinhua

Western media outlets have often used very different words to describe the similar measures carried out by different countries during the novel coronavirus epidemic. China's decisive measures to "lock down" a city are described as "authoritarian" or a "violation" of human rights and even a "humanitarian disaster." The similar steps taken by the Italian government are described as "the right thing to do."

Some in the Western media are working hard to make distinctions between the two countries' similar actions. Bloomberg argues the restrictions on travel in Italy are "far less strict than China's." The New York Times, simply changed its previous denigrating tone on China's action, saying "the importance of the nation-state is suddenly obvious: Italians must decide for Italians." The Guardian even articulated, "Despite these political tensions, it would be unfair to dismiss the work of the Italian authorities as a whole."

The Western media's ignorance and bias of China's system have never appeared more obvious. For decades, the Western media have been trying to persuade their readers that Chinese people have no freedom or democracy, simply because China doesn't adopt the Western-style electoral system.

These news outlets either have no idea, or refuse to admit, that China is pursuing a more substantial and efficient set of freedom and a democratic system that is designed to meet the needs of the people who most desire long-term peace, stability and development. The Western media are also refusing to acknowledge that the Chinese people are united in their fight against the virus, and believe in "one for all, all for one." Chinese people are willing to endure a period of inconvenience and limits on their travel. They know these are necessary measures that will work, and they don't feel like being subjected to a so-called autocracy.

Perhaps this isn't ignorance or bias. Maybe the West is in the midst of an ideological crisis. The more effective China's measures prove to be, the more other countries and regions will consider learning from China. This must have frightened the West, as it would overturn its self-perceived belief that the West is superior in every way.

Over the years, media outlets and politicians in Western countries have developed a trick to observe and analyze the situation in China. They find faults with the Chinese system and call any action the country takes "authoritarian." Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, they have spared no effort to hunt for a scapegoat for their own deteriorating circumstances.

Given the different political systems, cultures, traditions and national conditions, it's not possible for the US or Italy to exactly duplicate China's methods in epidemic prevention and control.

It remains to be seen if European countries will cancel all soccer games. Will demonstrations be prohibited in Western countries during the epidemic?

It seems ridiculous to see that the Los Angeles Marathon was allowed to go ahead on Sunday with 27,000 runners panting and sweating in close proximity to one another.

The epidemic is a challenge for each country which has to confront the cost of carrying out major measures. Methods will differ and time will tell which is most effective.

In the end, the government that can protect the lives and health of its own people will be seen as a good government. Its measures will become well-founded policies. At this stage in the epidemic there is no point in arguing over the pros and cons of different systems. As late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping said, it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.

The author is a commentator with the Global Times. [email protected]

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Lieutenant General
CNN is reporting that the NBA is suspending the season because apparently a Utah Jazz player has the coronavirus. They seem to questioning this so we'll see...
One of the people involved was a data scientist so I assumed that they performed some form of natural language processing to narrow down the data.

Possibly some basic NPL is being applied, but it's also likely that simple hueristics can be used to extract the count. The people involved also maintain a bbs for Chinese students studying in the US where there are many threads shamelessly discussing how to cheat at interviews at top US companies.


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Super Moderator
Possibly some basic NPL is being applied, but it's also likely that simple hueristics can be used to extract the count. The people involved also maintain a bbs for Chinese students studying in the US where there are many threads shamelessly discussing how to cheat at interviews at top US companies.

Well. They are doing a good thing this time so I think they deserve commendations (not the interview cheating stuff).