Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)

I get a mix of extremely paranoid and lax people I encounter.

Definitely skewed much more to extremely paranoid in New York and Seattle, and I'd imagine in Seattle as well. Manhattan and the subway system are practically empty now, and you see much less people out on the streets in the other boroughs as well. Unfortunately, there has been an uptick in violence against the Asian community. There have been cases of both Asians being harassed/assaulted because they wore masks, AND cases where they were harassed/assaulted for not wearing masks! The only nice thing has been it's actually possible to drive to places now without having to worry about traffic.


Typical response from the West. If everything failed, blame the Chinese.
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Trump's national security adviser says China 'covered up' coronavirus

White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien on Wednesday criticized China’s response to the coronavirus as a cover-up and said that Beijing cost the global community two months to respond to the outbreak.
“Unfortunately, rather than use best practices, this outbreak in Wuhan was covered up,” O’Brien said in remarks at the Heritage Foundation. “There’s lots of open source reporting from Chinese nationals that the doctors involved were either silenced or put in isolation … so the word of this virus could not get out.”
“It probably cost the world community two months to respond,” O’Brien continued.

O’Brien appeared to be referring to reports about Li Wenliang, a Wuhan doctor who tried to raise alarm about the coronavirus outbreak, being targeted by police in an effort to silence him.
The virus, which originated in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, has now spread to more than 100 countries and territories and sickened upward of 1,000 people in the United States.
O’Brien said that if China had been cooperative at the beginning of the outbreak, the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) could have had teams on the ground in China earlier to analyze the virus’s sequence.
“I think we could have dramatically curtailed what happened in China and what’s now happening across the world,” O’Brien said.
O'Brien's remarks came as the Trump administration faces scrutiny over its response to the virus, particularly with respect to a delayed rollout of tests for the disease.
O'Brien commended
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’s decision to suspend air travel from China, which he said “bought the United States six to eight weeks to prepare for the virus.” He also praised the work of Dr. Deborah Birx, the State Department's global AIDS coordinator who has been moved to the White House to help lead the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus.

“This is a complicated issue,” O’Brien said. “Pandemic and epidemics are some of the greatest challenges we face as a country. I think we have done a good job responding to it.”
O’Brien said the U.S. is doing its best to work with China now in order to respond to the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus and urged the public to heed CDC advice about washing their hands, staying home if they feel sick and engaging in some “social distancing."
The White House official's remarks echoed those of other administration officials who have sharply criticized China over its response to the outbreak in recent days.
Secretary of State
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said in a CNBC interview last week that China had put the U.S. “behind the curve” in responding to the virus.
“Remember, this is the Wuhan coronavirus that’s caused this, and the information that we got at the front end of this thing wasn’t perfect and has led us now to a place where much of the challenge we face today has put us behind the curve,” he told CNBC on Friday.
“That’s not the way infectious disease doctors tell me it should work. It’s not the way America works with transparency and openness and the sharing of the information that needs to take place,” the secretary of State continued.
Pompeo and other Republicans have faced some backlash over their labeling of the virus as the “Wuhan” or “Chinese” coronavirus, with Chinese officials
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the label this week.
CDC Director Robert Redfield said Tuesday it was wrong to refer to the coronavirus as a "Chinese coronavirus," noting while it first emerged in China it has since severely impacted countries such as South Korea and Italy.

It turns out that it's the Trump administration that covered up the coronavirus outbreak in Janurary and hampered U.S. government agencies' response to the crisis:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”

The sources said the National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.”This came directly from the White House,” one official said.

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In other news, Trump ordered a 30-day travel ban from Europe. NBA suspended the season because a Utah Jazz player tested positive. Tom Hanks and his wife test positive in Australia.

Red Moon

Junior Member
I get a mix of extremely paranoid and lax people I encounter.
Well if you were to encounter me you would find me more on the "paranoid" side. There is nothing in my county yet, as far as I know, but as the crow flies, I'm not that far from New Rochelle in NY State. I still go to the supermarket as I did today, But I fully expect it to arrive and to keep expanding exponentially for several weeks even if areas are cordoned off. The learning curve has been rather slow in Europe, and hopefully it will be quicker here. But it will still be hell even if the governments, local and national do everything right from today forward. I don't want to be sick with a medical system that is overwhelmed, and I think that will be the case.

Today, it looks like there's been some changes. First, Fauci, the head of NIH made a statement where he very clearly and forcefully called for every possible measure to be taken in order to contain the virus. Only yesterday, the CDC was insisting on a policy of mitigation. And the bloomberg article some posts back had a video of Trump with a very somber tone. Some people, I guess have woken up.

Meanwhile, the situation in Europe seems more dire than ever. At the peak of the epidemic in China the highest daily death rate was 150, while there were another 4 days in which it was over 130. In italy there were 168 deaths on Tuesday, and 196 today (Wednesday), and numbers, both deaths and infections are climbing are still climbing exponentially. It is very clear that their medical system is not holding up. China announced a big package of supplies and equipment going to italy, along with a team of experts, and was the only country to answer the Italian government's plea, which was actually made to the EU.

Looking at the European continent, or more specifically what used to be called Western Europe, you now have some 23-24000 infections, with a population which I estimate at roughly 400 million. This gives an overall higher rate of infection than China as a whole, In one week, France, Spain and Germany will be looking more or less like Italy. And we are only in the beginning of this.


Lieutenant General
Definitely skewed much more to extremely paranoid in New York and Seattle, and I'd imagine in Seattle as well. Manhattan and the subway system are practically empty now, and you see much less people out on the streets in the other boroughs as well. Unfortunately, there has been an uptick in violence against the Asian community. There have been cases of both Asians being harassed/assaulted because they wore masks, AND cases where they were harassed/assaulted for not wearing masks! The only nice thing has been it's actually possible to drive to places now without having to worry about traffic.

Well here in the SF Bay Area there have already been attacks on Asians before the coronavirus so this will be just another excuse. There's been attacks in SF Chinatown in broad daylight on the busiest of streets filled with people from outsiders that aren't Asian. They're that bold now because they know Asians do nothing. That's why Asians get attacked because they know nothing will happen.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Singapore has not been very aggressive in terms of closing off its border. what they have done is actually very similar to what the US and Japan have been doing. One could imagine that they could've gotten much worse if Singapore is located a little more north... Of course, this is all a guess since we have no data on how the virus would behave in a hot weather. Hopefully, we don't need to find out (the outbreak would end way before summer is here)...

Didn't you know that Singapore somehow got the GOLD standard in covid 19 control.
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But of course, those kind of studies are always paid for by the very generous government of Singapore using money of Singaporeans and the reports they wanted , they will always get in the form very pleasing to the eye of the government. I should not say more to avoid that midnight knock on my door.

Covid19 did not share the same opinion.
And in extrapolating from the normal flu supposed to die off in hot weather.

Singapore got the flu here all the time.
Perhaps flu in Singapore not informed that they should keel over and die off in warm weather.
I said previously that the body temperature is about 36C. Then what if that person develope a fever to go even higher?
Wouldnt that person be cured of covid and flu?

How about erecting saunas and steam baths instead of hospitals and chuck the coviders inside to bake?
As bonus, can chuck those with flu inside as well to heal, or to kill off those pesky viruses.

No need to worry no more of vaccines and all other troubles do we?


Lieutenant General
Well if you were to encounter me you would find me more on the "paranoid" side. There is nothing in my county yet, as far as I know, but as the crow flies, I'm not that far from New Rochelle in NY State. I still go to the supermarket as I did today, But I fully expect it to arrive and to keep expanding exponentially for several weeks even if areas are cordoned off. The learning curve has been rather slow in Europe, and hopefully it will be quicker here. But it will still be hell even if the governments, local and national do everything right from today forward. I don't want to be sick with a medical system that is overwhelmed, and I think that will be the case.

Today, it looks like there's been some changes. First, Fauci, the head of NIH made a statement where he very clearly and forcefully called for every possible measure to be taken in order to contain the virus. Only yesterday, the CDC was insisting on a policy of mitigation. And the bloomberg article some posts back had a video of Trump with a very somber tone. Some people, I guess have woken up.

Meanwhile, the situation in Europe seems more dire than ever. At the peak of the epidemic in China the highest daily death rate was 150, while there were another 4 days in which it was over 130. In italy there were 168 deaths on Tuesday, and 196 today (Wednesday), and numbers, both deaths and infections are climbing are still climbing exponentially. It is very clear that their medical system is not holding up. China announced a big package of supplies and equipment going to italy, along with a team of experts, and was the only country to answer the Italian government's plea, which was actually made to the EU.

Looking at the European continent, or more specifically what used to be called Western Europe, you now have some 23-24000 infections, with a population which I estimate at roughly 400 million. This gives an overall higher rate of infection than China as a whole, In one week, France, Spain and Germany will be looking more or less like Italy. And we are only in the beginning of this.

Well I know someone who is extreme on the paranoia where they don't think straight. This person is one of those that went shopping like it was the end of the world. The problem was this person's a health food nut so eating healthy was still important in apocalypse. So this person bought a lot vegetables and fruits and made sure there wasn't a lot of fat and sugar in the food she bought. If you're looking to have foods that last in an emergency, don't buy vegetables and fruits that will spoil in a week. Also when you're rationing food, you're gonna want those fats and calories in your food that's running scarce. This person also didn't buy a lot of dried and canned goods. This is where rice can come in handy. If it's dry it can last a long time. But this person didn't buy rice because it's bad for you.


Junior Member
I checked from multiple sources, turns out the rumour I posted 2 days ago is not a rumour.

File from SIAARTI.
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In advice of medical ethics, doctors are adviced to choose which patient should be treated by survival possibility and rest of life expectancy.

I suppose Italian doctors have already started doing so because 1, there are many signs fhat medical system in Northern Italy is already overloaded by this DDOS attack, 2, I know same scenario happened in Wuhan.

I feel deep sorrow for patients and doctors, they should have psychological help for PTSD after survived this.

The Trans Paradox at its worst has already come true.
Tears weeped, now here we come to another question.
Who should pay?

Time for the heads to start rolling.

For me, I have my clear solution to a trans paradox.
Follow my 1st impression to decide whether to pull the bar and stick to that decision, then
We should not blame the doctor for professional judgement in such a desperte situation.

Doctors have to choose someone to save and leave others to hand of fate.
Then who should be left to die?
No patient should suffer it, but someone else deserve it.

For Chinese we mainly target on the officials who abused their power to cut the Contagion Direct Reporting System. I will be very happy given a chance to kick heads of Jiang Chaoliang as football.


Junior Member
They should use the death penalty if anyone dies because of him.

This selfish and ignorant dumbass will meet the Criminal Law!

……投放毒害性、放射性、传染病病原体等物质或者以其他危险方法致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。 过失犯前款罪的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑;……

Article 115
…… dose poison, radioactive and contagious pathogen …… cause severe wound, death ……
in prison for 10 years and longer, life in prison, or death penalty.
Unpremeditated cases, in prison for 3-7 years.

Mr.G already booked himself a bed behind bars for 3-7 yrs.