Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


You have to expect some idiots slipping through.

But as South Korea demonstrates, it should still be containable, even without a total lockdown.
We'll have a better idea in 2weeks time.

So China should be able to use the same approach.

Not so sure South Korea has contained the virus. I think it has only able to mitigate the spread of the virus by rapid testing and case findings. It is easy to track down the cult members but not so easy when it is community spread in large area. In addition, self quarantine at home would cause many family members and neighbors infected.


Typical response from the West. If everything failed, blame the Chinese.
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Trump's national security adviser says China 'covered up' coronavirus

White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien on Wednesday criticized China’s response to the coronavirus as a cover-up and said that Beijing cost the global community two months to respond to the outbreak.
“Unfortunately, rather than use best practices, this outbreak in Wuhan was covered up,” O’Brien said in remarks at the Heritage Foundation. “There’s lots of open source reporting from Chinese nationals that the doctors involved were either silenced or put in isolation … so the word of this virus could not get out.”
“It probably cost the world community two months to respond,” O’Brien continued.

O’Brien appeared to be referring to reports about Li Wenliang, a Wuhan doctor who tried to raise alarm about the coronavirus outbreak, being targeted by police in an effort to silence him.
The virus, which originated in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, has now spread to more than 100 countries and territories and sickened upward of 1,000 people in the United States.
O’Brien said that if China had been cooperative at the beginning of the outbreak, the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) could have had teams on the ground in China earlier to analyze the virus’s sequence.
“I think we could have dramatically curtailed what happened in China and what’s now happening across the world,” O’Brien said.
O'Brien's remarks came as the Trump administration faces scrutiny over its response to the virus, particularly with respect to a delayed rollout of tests for the disease.
O'Brien commended
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’s decision to suspend air travel from China, which he said “bought the United States six to eight weeks to prepare for the virus.” He also praised the work of Dr. Deborah Birx, the State Department's global AIDS coordinator who has been moved to the White House to help lead the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus.

“This is a complicated issue,” O’Brien said. “Pandemic and epidemics are some of the greatest challenges we face as a country. I think we have done a good job responding to it.”
O’Brien said the U.S. is doing its best to work with China now in order to respond to the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus and urged the public to heed CDC advice about washing their hands, staying home if they feel sick and engaging in some “social distancing."
The White House official's remarks echoed those of other administration officials who have sharply criticized China over its response to the outbreak in recent days.
Secretary of State
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said in a CNBC interview last week that China had put the U.S. “behind the curve” in responding to the virus.
“Remember, this is the Wuhan coronavirus that’s caused this, and the information that we got at the front end of this thing wasn’t perfect and has led us now to a place where much of the challenge we face today has put us behind the curve,” he told CNBC on Friday.
“That’s not the way infectious disease doctors tell me it should work. It’s not the way America works with transparency and openness and the sharing of the information that needs to take place,” the secretary of State continued.
Pompeo and other Republicans have faced some backlash over their labeling of the virus as the “Wuhan” or “Chinese” coronavirus, with Chinese officials
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the label this week.
CDC Director Robert Redfield said Tuesday it was wrong to refer to the coronavirus as a "Chinese coronavirus," noting while it first emerged in China it has since severely impacted countries such as South Korea and Italy.


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View attachment 58253

Why do we have such a big west worship and traitor problem?

Gordon Chong was born and grew up in the USA, so I wouldn't call him a traitor per se.
But what he does exhibit is self-loathing and irrational vindictiveness.

He also doesn't seem to have grasped that China has the Coronavirus under control.
In comparison, new daily infections in the USA are likely to increase 4x in the next 6days.
There's nothing anyone can do about this, because the typical incubaton period is 5 days.
And it is likely to increase further still.

A smart person would reserve judgement until we see the peak of US infections, but alas, Gordon Chong has based his entire career on faulty opinion rather than the facts or rational analysis.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand


Junior Member
Registered Member
Unfortunately no. About a week ago some idiot from Zhengzhou (where Foxconn's vast factories are) flew to Italy via a third country to watch football and returned to China via the same third country just before the lockdown in Northern Italy. He withheld information about his stay in Italy from the authorities and then took high speed rail and Zhengzhou metro. The city tracked him down after he paid a visit to the pharmacy. He tested positive. The entire city is now in panic.

The idiot is now under criminal investigation.
View attachment 58253

Why do we have such a big west worship and traitor problem?

Technicially Gordon is half Caucasin and half Chinese, he may be have the turmoil of his "better half" battling his "lesser half"...

Gordon's predictions have been wrong so many times that its like a boy cry wolf situation he has the burden of proof not the other way around... typically anything Gordon says I just take it that the real truth is the exact opposite


Gordan Chang is grasping for straws. He knows very well that this viral outbreak can only set back China's progress temporarily, and China's rise is inexorable.

There are 15 new cases and 11 deaths in China on Mar. 11, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (table 1). There are 7 new cases and 1 death outside of Hubei province, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (table 3). 6 out of the 7 cases outside Hubei were imported from overseas. There are a total of 85 imported cases so far.

Table 1:

Table 2:

Table 3:

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Junior Member
Why do we have such a big west worship and traitor problem?

the guy is born and grow up in US. furthermore if someone gain citizenship from adapted countries , then they are no longer consider chinese but ethnic chinese+"their adapted country name", . but gordan make his carrier out of downfall of ccp etc. just another right wing conservative.