Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


There are 19 confirmed cases and 17 deaths in China on Mar. 9 (table 1). There are 2 cases and no death outside of Hubei province (table 3). Both cases outside Hubei were imported. The last of the 14 "container hospitals" for patients with mild symptoms will be dismantled today.

Table 1:

Table 2:

Table 3:

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btw is it true if u get quarantined in HK they give u place to live and feed u

Only 19 cases today in all of china!
yes, HK would provide you a place to live and feed you. Initially, these cover everyone. After protests by the oppositions, non HK citizens are required to pay for the cost.
I've been thinking a bit about the predicted time to a vaccine. The timeline (12-18 months) is given as if it's graven in stone, but there's a lot that can be done to compress it. To wit, the typical Phase I -> Phase II -> Phase III model needn't be adhered to in a state of emergency. If there's a compelling case for moving faster - which I think there is in this situation - a lot of the guardrails can be removed. For instance, safety trials can be dispensed with by directly testing promising vaccine candidates on condemned prisoners instead of trial participants drawn from the general public. It needn't even be forced; a deal could be offered where if a participant survives the trial his death sentence would be commuted to life imprisonment. You could generalize the idea further and offer reduced sentences to any inmate willing to risk participating in these expedited clinical trials.
how many inmates on death row are there in China?
That hardly looked and felt fake to me. I reported I posted that as seen from my WhatsApp feed. It was very traumatic for me, and I guess to all of you who seen that and the hand movements of that dying woman.
I did not bother to try to check on news. In days of WeChat and WhatsApp, news of events get out much faster than when the time we relied on CNN and Reuters.

:) :):) Ha ha ha! Well before you had your coffee to waken your brain cells, I reported myself on the Pope with covid that what I posted just a bit earlier might well be fake news. I was late by a few minutes and access for myself to edit what I posted closed or I would have taken that down , or put the caveat into that.

:mad:Sorry, you cannot count coup on me on that Pope thingy.

Might even work as well as surgical mask in protecting you.
But he should get update on that version for even better protection.

View attachment 58168
thanks for confirming you've repeatedly spewed nonsense here, now I'll report you for degrading this forum
I'll also put it on the main board:
shanlung yesterday claimed 'knife attack in Paris on Chinese' most recently and even posted faked footage (post #2146 here),
and had claimed 'the Pope with coronavirus' before (I reported, was deleted here), and now further degrades this forum
by posting 'humorous' trash