Consider this in relative terms. Before the re-opening, China was an extreme outlier, such that <6000 deaths from a billion plus population was statistically almost zero. From all indications, the peak already passed in most provinces and hospital saturation has ebbed everywhere. So, this is probably the worst it is going to get. I was actually quite surprised over the low 59938 number. What happens in the coming months after all the family reunions during Chinese New Year is the next hurtle to cross. However, if these current numbers indicate anything, it shows that we're probably already out of the woods.The reopening since December last year has resulted in a truly high toll, especially for the elderly population.
Recall that for the last 3 years, China only had around 5200+ deaths.
Now, in just barely more than one month, the death toll is more than 10 times that amount. It is a real tragedy.