Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Problem with antiviral drugs is that they seem to be quite expensive compared to run of the mill paracetamol/ibuprofen and likely won't be an option for a large chunk of the population, when it gets approval government should intervene to keep the prices low.
Azvudine is only 300 yuan unlike paxlovid which costs 2300 yuan at least. I believe Azvudine has been used in many lower tier hospitals in the last few days and should be available to everyone who needs it soon.
Not something to cheer, but in an case of irony, a boba lib "writer/reporter" who retweeted anti-lock down tweets, also writes of her unvacinated mother's death from the ending of zero - covid

First, she doesn't want her mother to be vaccinated and then refuse to let her mother go to hospital. I really think she is just trying to get away her mother and use such tragedy to enrich herself which is sick.


From what I understand is that Omicron is attacking the upper rather than the lower airways. And that makes it less deadly than previous variants.


From what I understand is that Omicron is attacking the upper rather than the lower airways. And that makes it less deadly than previous variants.

The original Covid virus, the Delta variant, and probably a few of the earlier variants cause the "white lung" disease in Chinese medical parlance.

Still, there is the danger of an Omicron infection weakening the immune system of more feeble people and leading to secondary lung infection.


this is true, any kind of medicine that treats covid / fever are very hard to come by right now. families are sending medicine back from over seas right now.
A few days ago, that might be true but right now fever and cough medicine are sufficient. Covid medicine such as paxlovid and Azvudine are still in shortage. However, some of the shortage is just man-made by rumors and others such voodoo medicine that have no proven use for covid.


Registered Member
Antivirals should only be given to those that are in severe risk group and have more serious manifestations of omicron.

Hospitals have more than enough stocked. These are for treating the seriously ill, and don't work that well even in that context.

Average random middle aged or young person should not be taking antivirals, that's a tremendous waste of medicine and risk of unnecessary side effects. In such cases, antivirals will not cause you to get better any faster at a noticeable rate. Antivirals can help severe cases but for those who get sick in 3 days and then are completely fine, the antiviral will not make you get better faster. That there are bozos which think you can pop antivirals like it's a paracetamol betrays a failure of the education system. Although it is hardly unique to China.

Rest and wait is all that is needed for upper respiratory omicron.
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Registered Member
Not something to cheer, but in an case of irony, a boba lib "writer/reporter" who retweeted anti-lock down tweets, also writes of her unvacinated mother's death from the ending of zero - covid

I feel sorry for her mother death but if this intelligence agencies backed clowns with their sh*tty A4 papers advocated for China to joint the Western COVID death cult, guess what? they are getting what they wanted, luckily it happened with a much less virulent COVID variant. But now they have to wait with the rest of the population until the outbreaks subside.


Registered Member
I feel sorry for her mother death but if this intelligence agencies backed clowns with their sh*tty A4 papers advocated for China to joint the Western COVID death cult, guess what? they are getting what they wanted, luckily it happened with a much less virulent COVID variant. But now they have to wait with the rest of the population until the outbreaks subside.
The only thing you should feel sorry for is that her mother lived a full life, raised children using her energy yet in the end, her legacy is this hanjian that used her own death to help advance the agenda of American nationalists.

Reading between the lines, she was immobile, over 80, and after being infected by Covid was unable to be admitted into hospital due to already receiving full time specialized care at home.

This hanjian needs to grow up. From what you can read, the healthcare system did their best to provide palliative care on a patient that was very frail. Instead of thinking about working for strangers, for Americans, she should be thinking about making the most out of the final time with her own family. Instead, she live in denial about her mom's stage in life and think the CPC owe her an immortality potion.

Literally the hospital ensured that she wouldn't come in anymore because the doctors there have almost certainly made the decision that this is not a life that can be prolonged significantly by hospital care. Hence, moving the care to the patient's own home. If someone as a relative to the patient cannot understand the meaning of that decision and start planning for the inevitable, they are fucking dumb.