Speaking of Long Covid, here is the financial aspect of its damage:
To be honest, the Chinese should have really emphasized this more than anything else.
There has been studies that were published earlier this year some of which I believed I already posted on this very thread some time ago pointing out this unfortunate reality. A financial and economic catastrophe that's largely been chosen to be ignored by the MSM and government leaders in the west that have chosen the approach of "See No Evil, Hear no Evil" largely due to the demand from the covid weary public aided and assisted by the many pseudo experts on the interweb propagating their crack pot theories, despite getting covid and dying from the virus themselves.
The study am referring about, was done by the Brookings Institute, estimating the health care costs and the overall economic costs to America. After carefully reading the study, I came to the sensible conclusion and understanding that China should hold out as best and as long as humanly possible, as well as acceptable for her people. To prevent as many people from getting the virus, vaccine or no vaccine, since vaccination itself does not guarantee any sort of bullet proof protection from the mystery and debilitating long term injury that's Long Covid.
Yet, despite these credible evidence and study that should lend support to what China is doing, the west almost in unison, along with the predictable lackeys, have been gaslighting and pressuring China to open up mentioning the usual laundry lists of talking points such as human rights and all that bull shit that only western sycophants, propagandists, selfish-individualists a.k.a. Ayn Rand nut bars (selfishness is a virtue) abound. Not to mention the usual suspects on this forum who spouts the same idiotic drivel without thinking the long term effect and affect to the country. Yes, people are frustrated and that's a natural reaction to expect nothing less simply dehumanizes the Chinese as inhuman. But the fact of the matter is the government exist for a reason; one of the government's core duties is to protect it's people from themselves. From their short sightedness, selfish interests, that would bring more harm than good to the vast majority of people.