Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
Dr.Campbell of YouTube fame is suggesting based on the latest data in the U.K. that the number of deaths have risen despite the population has largely received more than 2x vaccine shots. This news or trend however has been largely been ignored by Western countries media.

Now, if what the data he cited is true, then imagine the issues or potential social instability this thing can cause in China where countries in the west have chosen to shut up.

why do you think they get triggered by zero COVID policy? like, not just disagree, but vehemently, passionately, HATE it. I mean would you be so passionately angered by say, mortgage rates in Romania or something? Doesn't affect them right? Theoretically neither does zero COVID affect them.
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This is reprehensible. Thousands dead at nursing homes but who cares.
Where is the Western msm scrutiny on old helpless people who died from covid after opening up? Where is the investigation? Is because they are lives not worth living? They are not useful for the economy? So humans rights are not human lives? But just for Uyghurs?

Think positive.
Think this is a tremendous reduction in Social Security Benefit expenditure. Plus cost savings in private sector.
Only $255 paid to the surviving spouse if any.


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本土病例104例 new symptomatic cases (Sichuan 四川33例 Guizhou 贵州41例 and Tibet 西藏16例 and Tianjin 天津3例)

本土525例 new asymptomatic cases (Guizhou 贵州208例 and Tibet 西藏160例 and Heilongjiang 黑龙江44例 and Sichuan 四川37例 and Tianjin 天津15例 and Xinjiang 新疆12例)


why do you think they get triggered by zero COVID policy? like, not just disagree, but vehemently, passionately, HATE it. I mean would you be so passionately angered by say, mortgage rates in Romania or something? Doesn't affect them right? Theoretically neither does zero COVID affect them.

That shows how powerful the Western media is as a piece of very effective propaganda machinery.

How else can they convince their masses that China's saving over 4 million lives of their citizens can be seen as something awful and be scorned and even hated in the light of the fact that over a million Americans have died from the pandemic?