Sorry I was scolding Li Qiang. In fact we did not scold every leader in Shanghai, Han Zheng is actually good. Do you know why? Thanks to the streets under that idiot's leadership spending money on erecting signs as if they could really bring any benefit to the average citizen; fulfilling without fail the task Xi gave him of storing flights from abroad, but Shanghai has long been de facto overloaded, and can you believe it, they had to enable such hotels as quarantine points. I don't feel as a citizen of Shanghai deserves preferential treatment but if the leaders who serve as Shanghai are under the illusion as if they have 100% access to Beijing as long as there are no mistakes. This makes no longer think about the citizens! Even if you pretend to touch the exterior of the old house to paint the face paint is fine, he does not. The only supplies I've gotten from government distribution these past two weeks have been only purple onions and carrots, and if you think this is retribution for an ordinary Shanghai citizen, then I don't think we need to have a conversation.
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As a person from Shanghai, you don't even know Li Qiang has never been the mayor of Shanghai. I just find it strange.
Han Zheng was born in Shanghai and part of The Shanghai Clique. Of course, you find him more favorable. At that time, disproportionate resources were spent on Shanghai to cement it as China financial center.
As for Shanghai taking up all the flights and act as quarantine hub, I always find it unwise. Especially, Shanghai proactively took up the task to host Hong Kongers which is really unnecessary. If these decisions were made by Li Qiang, then he deserves the blame. Maybe Li Qiang gambled on Telsa and won big time in both economic and political points has emboldened him to take on unnecessary risks which might bring his downfall.
However, the Shanghai gang has dominated politics in Yangtze delta for decades. And the Chinese political structures have made it unlikely that Li Qiang to have say in everything. Blaming one person for the mess in Shanghai is unconvincing. It is not only one person to be blamed.
I just find it funny that people from Shanghai trying to pinpoint one person as scapegoat either the vice premier or Li Qiang. But not looking at it as some kind of systematic failures from top to bottom, from Shanghai medical advisors to media.
As angry as you are, people outside of Shanghai are even more angrily asking why Shanghai is never designated as a high risk area that resulted the virus spreading to 21 provinces, who came up with the precision approach, why there are no preparation whatsoever for the lock down, why Shanghai media can insult Xian and many other places pandemic performance and praise Shanghai as a shining example But are all quiet now. Why Shanghai refused helps from other provinces at the beginning, why there are no mass testing in Shanghai when other major cities all have such policy, why Shanghai pandemic policies are so different from other provinces such as no high risk area or different designation of asymptomatic cases.
Even if you wanted to blame Li Qiang, the most important question you need to ask why Shanghai as the most wealthy city could fail So badly. Even a third tier city in China has done a better job than Shanghai.
Playing the blame game is easy. Finding the right things to be blamed and fixed them are not.
In the end of the day, you have the right to be mad and angry and disappointed as the government has failed you.