Coronavirus: Face mask ads banned for 'misleading' claims
Adverts by two companies which made false claims about using face masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus have been banned...
The ASA said the adverts were "misleading" because the claims went against official advice.
A spokesman said Public Health England informed the ASA "that they do not recommend the use of face masks as a means of protection from coronavirus".
Look at how responsible the British government is and how transparent they are to ban ads for the audacity of making the completely outrageous claim that face masks can help protect you from an airborne respiratory virus.
China would have been able to stop the virus much faster had they taken official British advice and not bothered to organise masks for every citizen. Hell, healthcare professionals working on the frontlines of the fight against COVID19 wouldn’t even need masks if they would just remember to wash their hands.
I am sure the official British and American advice downplaying the benefit of masks is all about transparency and responsibility and democracy, and both countries’ utter inability to supply remotely enough masks for their citizens like China has managed has absolutely zero bearing on this advice.
I mean, every white life is a priceless gift directly from God himself, so of course silly mundane considerations like logistics and costs have zero bearing on western official advice. If face masks were of benefit, the all powerful and all good American and British governments would have sent every citizen a lifetime supply free of charge yesterday already.
It’s pretty sad and pathetic that these western politicians who put face saving before life saving will never get called out or face any serious consequences for their deliberate and malicious decisions that will literally cost people their lives because their entire job is media manipulation, and the western MSM has brainwashed the western masses that they will swallow pretty much anything so long as it is presented in the correct format with the right keyword triggers. Would you kindly indeed.