Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


@SteelBird bro yesterday 870 cases were reported, can't believed it at first then when out and experience Traffic everywhere. I think we are getting back to normal BUT the precaution are still in place.
Great to hear that you're down to 3-digits. We are 3-digits too and I think our peak after CNY has passed. Another surge might be waiting for us ahead as the Khmer new year is getting near when most migrant workers will go home to celebrate the event.

There are two nations saying that they are adopting to live with the virus and they are on the top of the list now. The two are South Korea and Vietnam. Vietnam is planning to fully open the country in the next few days and treat Covid-19 as a special disease. Their daily cases are 6-digits, second on the list and only after South Korea. They both use western vaccines.


Great to hear that you're down to 3-digits. We are 3-digits too and I think our peak after CNY has passed. Another surge might be waiting for us ahead as the Khmer new year is getting near when most migrant workers will go home to celebrate the event.

There are two nations saying that they are adopting to live with the virus and they are on the top of the list now. The two are South Korea and Vietnam. Vietnam is planning to fully open the country in the next few days and treat Covid-19 as a special disease. Their daily cases are 6-digits, second on the list and only after South Korea. They both use western vaccines.

Also, Japan and Singapore.

New cases in Singapore is shooting through the roof in the last 28 days and none of the western media is reporting?

I'm starting to wonder if this is really a data entry error on the Johns Hopkins site because the number of new cases in the country in the last 28 days is already more than the number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic?


@ansy1968 Today I read a Vietnamese news and they concern about the abuse of unauthorized medicine to treat Covid-19 which includes Lianhua Qingwen. The report claims that Lianhua contains Ephedra sinicaStapf. a substance used to produce methamphetamine which may leads to addiction. I do not come to any conclusion but just an alert to all of us to use Lianhua Qingwen to consider when decide to take the medicine.


Registered Member
233 + 322 local cases reported today (it was 175 + 330 yesterday)

Among the 233 symptomatic cases, Jilin reported 94, followed by Shangdong 59, then Shan'Xi 17. The numbers were 46, 31, 5, respectively. Guangdong reported 7 today, dropped from 45 yesterday. Shanghai added 3 (31 yesterday).

13 asymptomatic cases became symptomatic.


Out of the 322 asymptomatic cases, Shangdong reported the most 106, followed by 80 in Jilin, 62 in Shanghai, and 20 in Guangdong. The numbers were 144, 29, 51 and 70 yesterday, respectively.

13 probably cases confirmed.


Numbers in Shangdong and Jilin are climbing slowly. While Shanghai keeps seeing slightly more asymptomatic cases, the outbreaks in Guangdong might be receding.


Junior Member
Registered Member
233 + 322 local cases reported today (it was 175 + 330 yesterday)

Among the 233 symptomatic cases, Jilin reported 94, followed by Shangdong 59, then Shan'Xi 17. The numbers were 46, 31, 5, respectively. Guangdong reported 7 today, dropped from 45 yesterday. Shanghai added 3 (31 yesterday).

13 asymptomatic cases became symptomatic.

Out of the 322 asymptomatic cases, Shangdong reported the most 106, followed by 80 in Jilin, 62 in Shanghai, and 20 in Guangdong. The numbers were 144, 29, 51 and 70 yesterday, respectively.

13 probably cases confirmed.

Numbers in Shangdong and Jilin are climbing slowly. While Shanghai keeps seeing slightly more asymptomatic cases, the outbreaks in Guangdong might be receding.

Do you guys know where the most recent cases in the different provinces trace back to?


Registered Member
Do you guys know where the most recent cases in the different provinces trace back to?
All are from infection by imported cases. Cases in Guangdong are likely from HK, such as truck drivers crossing border. Border control forces also caught people sneaking into Guangdong from HK after it was out of control there. But Shenzhen has not reported many cases. Most cases are in Dongguan so far. Perhaps some smugglers landed in Dongguan without being caught?

Not sure about cases in other places. IIRC, KYli once said crossborder mails/packages from/via HK also caused outbreaks (outside Guangdong).


Do you guys know where the most recent cases in the different provinces trace back to?
For Guangdong, it is Hong Kong. Shandong can be traced back to a letter or package, should be from Hong Kong. Jilin, Guangxi and Yunan, from Russia, Vietnam and Myanmar. Shanghai has cases for awhile already since most travelers need to enter from Shanghai it is obvious under enormous pressure.

Other places, I haven't followed. Someone needs to answer it.