Because of shit like this, one when the truth comes out, anything less then the USA being responsible will be laughed off because heck, they have had all this time to prove it was China and yet nothing came out. Yet China has to suffer this unjust stigma regardless right now.
One must wonder whether all these disasters happening to the USA right now (since we have to admit that the crazy things happening to America is far worse then anywhere else in the world, with all the epic fails that have happened), is the lords way of telling these bastards to quit lying or face the wrath of God in short order because we must all admit with Biden being half groggy as he is, nothing is going to go right for these people anytime soon. If the USA ends up responsible, we might finally see the time when China and Russia final takes the weapon groves off, because it the becomes an existential fight to the death.
One day, these white trash are going to truly suffer the consequences, and by suffer, I mean hell to pay since it is all but proven that these neo con bastards want to go back to the time when races of colour are slaves to the colonialist.