Again, where is the citation. AFAIK flatten the curve is a term that came up in the west, it was never in use in China. The goal in China has always been total victory over the virus. I see no reason to believe the current state of affairs cannot be sustained indefinitely. For majority of 2020 and 2021 so far the lives of Chinese people within China's borders is identical to pre-pandemic, the economy has been growing at more than 6% pa and I'm not seeing any appetite from the public to squander the fruit of victory so far achieved.
I recall March last year when rest of China (as in, other than Wuhan) stood down from highest state of alert when the government judged that it was safe to do so, everyone around the world was sure it was going to be a disaster yet it all went smoothly and no new outbreak occurred. I think that's proof enough that CPC, guided by its experts are excellent judge of risk/reward. I see no signals from CPC that they are considering opening up the country, certainly not with the current wave originating from Nanjing yet to completely die down and certainly not with US recording 6 digit confirmed cases a day.