inactivated virus is dead (not really dead dead) virus, it is the whole body therefor the full genetic package.Interesting. are you sure about that? While one might get caught out with tens of millions of useless doses, it only takes a couple days to make the modifications under the mRNA method.
You are right the mRNA may take few days to make the modification, but you need to know which piece of the whole virus to emulate in the virus, how long does the whole process take? We don't know yet. Actually it took months for mRNA to come out. Now we are facing the very first time that mRNA may need to be re-engineered due to the new variants. We will know for sure in half year (first to realize re-engineering is needed, a month to do so in lab, another 3 month for the new vaccine to perform and gather data).
I am not working in medical industry, but I don't understand why inactivated vaccine should take (much) longer time than mRNA, isn't the key process is to find the safe method to "kill" the virus in a level 3/4 lab? Of course, there will be new safety trail (phase I/II) to prove the method works. But doesn't the re-engineered mRNA need safety trial (phase I/II) again as well? Can it be skipped? A question maybe @vesicles is better suited to answer.