Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Hello my friends, let me just say how incredibly awesome I am at predicting things. This quite frankly might be the most accurate and specific long shot prediction in the whole COVID episode! On January 21st, I predicted that the US would cross the 500,000 death count line on February 17th (shown below).

Right now is February 16th, the count has closed for the day and the tally stands at 499,991.
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So if 8 or more people die tomorrow, I'm in for a big congratulations, don't y'all think?
Yeah, yet again another record about to be broken and it is one that the USA has the least to be proud about


Registered Member
Hello my friends, let me just say how incredibly awesome I am at predicting things. This quite frankly might be the most accurate and specific long shot prediction in the whole COVID episode! On January 21st, I predicted that the US would cross the 500,000 death count line on February 17th (shown below).

Right now is February 16th, the count has closed for the day and the tally stands at 499,991.
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So if 8 or more people die tomorrow, I'm in for a big congratulations, don't y'all think?
Bad form to be celebrating over death number


Registered Member
For pretty much any other country, I'd agree but with America in a full-blown desperation/fear-induced fit of evil and ugliness, I can be apathetic and celebrate my accuracy in mathematic prediction.
I admit I used to feel similarly given how much harm the USA has done to the world but now a days I feel a mixture of sadness and disgust at how poorly a so called superpower is handling a crisis that should be well within there power to solve without trying there damn hardest to cause harm to China based on the fact that China has there own way of doing things and the USA cannot help but try to drag China down in there hate of racism because deep down, they know that they are not leadership material. The ordinary people obviously don’t deserve the harm but those who continue to throw shade at China because there government/media tells them to without finding the truth can just choke on there suffering though


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As usual:

The US messed up the pandemic under Trump but the reality is they are getting better. [citation needed]
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Their vaccination rate is the best in the world among large countries. [citation needed]
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And their technology is unsurpassed. [citation needed]
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Right now they are focusing on vaccinating their own people, but once that is complete, they will have an excellent infrastructure for export. [citation needed]
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Based on this data, US companies are on track to manufacture well over 1 billion vaccine doses per year.

They will use it against China if the mRNA vaccine has been tweaked to work with new variants successfully while China's vaccines become even less effective. [citation needed]

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(mRNA vaccines are more flexible to new variants)

China could even become dependent on the BioNTech vaccine licensed by Fosun and be forced to pay a lot of money just like they do now with semiconductors. [citation needed]

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If new variants become dominant, existing immunity won't help. Thus China's vaccines could become obselete. See above.

I actually wish BioNTech the best, just remember that Fosun owns massive amounts of BioNTech shares as a result of their brilliant investment in the company back in March. Every dose of Pfizer injected into an American, Canadian, British, Australian is money straight into the pockets of China's pharmaceutical industry. China can't lose.

[Citiation needed]


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China's not only surviving but surging to the top of the world without your ill advice and defeatism so we'll pass on you again. Also, not interested in your made up bios. You already said you're troll on multiple forums calling yourself a "wumao" on others. You said that China should just roll over and give up for better relations with the US and whichever midget around it that senses opportunity. You said you've lived in the US for 30 years and swear you know that Americans are the nicest people who wouldn't want ill for China meaning it's somehow China's fault. You've propagated the BS about China's Xinjiang camps suggesting that China liberalize to try to curry favor with the US. You've even suggested COVID might have come from a Chinese lab. That's not even half of the completed list of items that you've said that no Chinese patriot would say. So please, not interested in your fake stories so don't try to soften me up with them. Just here to deal you maximum humiliation, whether you're Indian, Japanese, Falun Gong, Chinese on the wrong medication, or wannabe CIA. I don't care.
I'm not a troll and I never said I was. Stop lying. I said I try to present the other side's perspective sometimes to bridge the gap between the US and China. I never said China should roll over, I said that good relations are in China's interest which they are. It's about being strategic and smart in pursuing your goals, not giving them up. In my experience Americans are nice people, and as a Chinese Americans what should I say? That Americans are hateful? Of course not. I never propagated anything false about the Xinjiang camps, there's a lot of evidence China is doing collective punishment there, you can't deny it. Also I said I think China needs to find the real source of Covid because otherwise conspiracy theories will develop, and also that we don't know yet how it started. None of this means I wish ill of China. I am a huge supporter of China, I just think it's interests lie in a different direction than some of the things that have been happening. But it is doing a lot of the right things, too. Like I said, I focus on criticism so China can improve. For the things it is already doing well, then by all means keep doing it.


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I admit I used to feel similarly given how much harm the USA has done to the world but now a days I feel a mixture of sadness and disgust at how poorly a so called superpower is handling a crisis that should be well within there power to solve without trying there damn hardest to cause harm to China based on the fact that China has there own way of doing things and the USA cannot help but try to drag China down in there hate of racism because deep down, they know that they are not leadership material. The ordinary people obviously don’t deserve the harm but those who continue to throw shade at China because there government/media tells them to without finding the truth can just choke on there suffering though
The important lesson here is that the US is a government by and for the financial oligarchy. They strip mine the world for profit but they've also been doing the same to their own citizens for the past 40 years. It's easty to see why such a government is unconcerned with helping it's own people and even easier to see why a socialist political and economic model like China merely existing is a threat to them. On the flip side China and Chinese people need to be vigilant and not allow the same forces to grow within China.


Junior Member
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The important lesson here is that the US is a government by and for the financial oligarchy. They strip mine the world for profit but they've also been doing the same to their own citizens for the past 40 years. It's easty to see why such a government is unconcerned with helping it's own people and even easier to see why a socialist political and economic model like China merely existing is a threat to them. On the flip side China and Chinese people need to be vigilant and not allow the same forces to grow within China.
That's why we see people like Jack Ma and associates getting heat in China right now. He was pushing this idea of 996, 9am to 9pm 6 days a week of work onto young adults, which got lots of backlash. Then there was the whole issue with him advocating for total financial deregulation in China and criticizing the government for regulating financial markets which brought along government backlash. People later realized that the highly leveraged model he was proposing would create an immense debt bubble much like the subprime mortgage crisis in the US and push consumers into debt. It's not just him, he is a front man for many interest groups in the background which includes a lot of international capital. China is also a country with plenty of interest groups, each vying for their vision of the future.


Junior Member
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I'm not a troll and I never said I was. Stop lying. I said I try to present the other side's perspective sometimes to bridge the gap between the US and China. I never said China should roll over, I said that good relations are in China's interest which they are. It's about being strategic and smart in pursuing your goals, not giving them up. In my experience Americans are nice people, and as a Chinese Americans what should I say? That Americans are hateful? Of course not. I never propagated anything false about the Xinjiang camps, there's a lot of evidence China is doing collective punishment there, you can't deny it. Also I said I think China needs to find the real source of Covid because otherwise conspiracy theories will develop, and also that we don't know yet how it started. None of this means I wish ill of China. I am a huge supporter of China, I just think it's interests lie in a different direction than some of the things that have been happening. But it is doing a lot of the right things, too. Like I said, I focus on criticism so China can improve. For the things it is already doing well, then by all means keep doing it.
Yes, Americans are so nice that they smash up Vietnamese restaurants and harass Japanese in subways because they've been told to blame China for covid. Liberal democracy and capitalism are systems designed to protect property rights first, second, and third. Human rights come later, much later. It is not in China's interest to emulate the west's political or economic system. If you love human rights so much, study Marxism, it is the way forward.