Re: Computer Talk!!
Microsoft operating systems' security was outdated until Vista, one big hole being the default admin privileges of users. That's why I think Vista is so great (for a version of windows) and how I laugh at the ignorant masses who hate the administrator privilege prompts.
I'm no fan of Apple, I think Jobs is a dick and his crap is marketed towards idiots. That said, he makes his stuff idiotproof and pretty, which plays right into marketing for idiots. I doubt Apple software is any less buggy than Microsoft software, software bugs increase predictably with complexity, and you can't have software that does many things without having complexity and hence bugs. I can tell you that Microsoft is no slouch in software engineering. I have a feeling that Apple just hides their problems better or handles problems more gracefully (part of the idiotproofing or making the OS pretty), and, because of lower market share, fewer bugs and exploits are found. One good thing I would say about MacOS is that it is based on Linux, though far from open sourced.
Of course, that's me talking from a computer science background. The average person who switch to MacOS will claim reliability and security, which are valid complaints, but I suspect they are just seduced by the shiney user interface. You hear about Windows exploits all the time, but they get fixed. That is far more comforting than silence, because the bugs are there, finding them and getting them fixed is better than not.